I need help with the server


Home Forums Survival General discussion I need help with the server

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  PigsWillFly69 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #19396 Score: 0


    Mods, i don’t know why you  created a new lobby, but it has caused a lot of lagging for me. may i request that you get rid of the lobby. i know it is fps lag, but when there was no lobby, i played fine. when the lobby was added, i started lagging really badly, likei did something, like hit a button, it takes 1-2 mins for the button to operate.

    so mods, pls help!!!!

    #19397 Score: 0


    so any1 knows what to do?


    #19398 Score: 0



    #19399 Score: 0


    we are slowly tracking down and fixing all the glitches. give it a week and it will work perfectly

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