I need your opinions


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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Rogue_Art 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #69391 Score: 0

    41 pts

    As you’ll know, I’ve left EC (ONLY FOR A FEW DAYS, NO NEED TO WORRY (lol jks)), but I recently saw some buildings in real life that I want to kind of build & change up a bit…
    The one I’m doing right now is the start of a wall, and I need your opinions on some changing I’m doing to the insides, which is the colours of the fencing used.
    There’s the nether brick fence, then there’s the plain wood fence.
    I’ve had some issues with building this, as I’ve been clueless on picking 1 of 2 choices, and this is another one of them.

    Please leave any opinions below, and if you’ve got any suggestions that I could build on to this with, they’d be lovely.
    Happy crafting to everyone, and have a good day.

    #69393 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I guess it depends to what you use on the walls, cause you actually have to make it suit each other. Fence is great with Stone Bricks, Woods, and Wood planks. Nether Fence is good with Nether Bricks, Stained Clays, Stone Bricks, and Nether Bricks.

    #69404 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I think you should do normal fences with stone brick. The reason why is because; “Nether Fence is good with Nether Bricks, Stained Clays, Stone Bricks, and Nether Bricks.” What this means is that this is more of a “blend in”, fence vs “for decoration” fence. If the normal fence can blend in with 3 things, then its a more “stable” color. The netherrack fence can blend in with 4 things, its a more “varient” color.

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