I really miss the server


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal I really miss the server

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  bigmannyB 11 years ago.

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  • #59670 Score: 0


    Hey, I’m back after a while. I hope you remember me and I just want to know if you could please let me back on the server. It’s been about 1.5 – 2 years since I have been there and I really miss how fun it was. I remember about 6-8 months ago, I was trying to get back on the server but when ever I try to convince you guys to let me back on you never seem to accept it. What I did back then was an accident. I can’t really seem to remember what I was banned for again. I think it was about the donation I made back then. Anyway I really miss the server and I hope you remember me and please give me one more chance.


    #59671 Score: 0

    3 pts

    1.5- 2 years eh? well… let’s say, “a lot happened while you were gone” Hop on my magic carpet and let me show you a whole new world

    #59673 Score: 0


    Lol I’m fine with that. ^_^

    #59674 Score: 0

    14 pts

    You were part of my town. You got banned for donor fruad and i remembered it. You have a budget with your family which you took the money back and you got banned.

    #59676 Score: 0


    Well.. Since its been such a long time it might be a good idea to unban you.

    #59689 Score: 0


    Look at skills be a young Aladin.

    #59696 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Even though it makes me sound cruel, I do not think that bigmannyB should not be unbanned. 1. He pays borncorp to get a donor rank which costs at least 5 dollars, and if I remember correctly, he bought gold or diamond. 2. Then he has the rank for an entire month. 3. He just takes all the cash from born, and this is serious, its not like in game money. The cash from donors is what he runs the server with, not by letting people have free donor ranks. There’s also a small chance that he might get unbanned, then buy a donor package, then scam borncorp again, and then there might be a post somewhat like this 1.5 – 2 years later…

    #59700 Score: 0


    I didn’t mean to do it. I was my mother. I’m not going to do the blaming game but I really did not mean to take money from born in anyway. Now that Wither reminded me I remember it was around Christmas time and my mom needed all the money she could get to buy gifts. My dad never helped out, and he has a whole mother family while still married with my mom and for some reason he not trying to get a divorce so that’s why my mom got a refund. My life is hard. I’m not asking for sympathy but I just wanted to make it clear to you guys that I had no intention of any of this. Thanks for the replies anyway.

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