I screwed up and spoiled EternalCracked for everybody. Sorry, honestly.


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This topic contains 9 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  maxminoS 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #50910 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I screwed up really bad, now everyone from Epicman’s server know I am from Eternal Cracked. Now probably, they will come to hack us. I am relly sorry. Don’t bother to reset my password, i’m leaving for good. Seriously, I hate myself, i’m so stupid, an idiot that spoilt a game for everyone, I don’t deserve to be remembered or respected. Put my name on the wall of shame, I deserve it. Goodbye everyone it’s been a pleasure to know you all. Wich you all good luck and a good life.
    The last time you will see my name.


    #50913 Score: 0


    D: how could ya do this

    #50914 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I know Mongus, I know…

    #50916 Score: 0


    cya bro -_- now u should be regret

    #50917 Score: 0


    Dude.. this is no reason to leave.. other people have done this before and they havent left

    #50918 Score: 0


    I’m pretty sure everything will be okay if you stay. Clearly nothing has happened yet :c

    #50920 Score: 0


    our server defence system is protected enough to make no hackers hack oin us again

    #50921 Score: 0

    2 pts

    This is no reason to quit! Stuff like this happens!

    #50931 Score: 0


    You did something wrong. Great. That proves that you are human. As long as you are sorry,everything will be fine. We learn more by commiting errors than by being an angel. No human being is perfect,we all mess up at some point. Admitting that what you’ve done is wrong is the first step to not do that again. We cannot control your life,though. If your wish is to leave,there aren’t any problems with that. But you need to udnerstand that we care about you,and we will miss you.

    #50974 Score: 0

    7 pts

    He won’t be able to hack our server. Our server was never hacked before, not because no one have ever tried, just thatnwe have a really good security for the server. You do not need to leave, many people has griefed and hacked epicman’s server too (ShameOnYou D:) and I think he really deserve it. So you dont need to leave, he already hacked many times and he really deserve it. But its your choice to leave or not.

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