I think it's time for me to take a break..


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  • #94460 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Well like I said in the title, I need to take a break from EC soon, my life is moving slow right now, I’m really depressed right now, There’s been some stuff going on in the past hour I don’t really want to talk about, it just all added up to me getting super tired and depressed all of a sudden, I feel invisible a lot nowadays, when I try to be social everyone carries on and ignores me… You see, I’m trying to fix myself right now, but it isn’t possible if nobody wants to talk to me… I know some of you want to be my friend, but I’d say it’s like 90% of EC members don’t like me and 10% do, so it’s a tipped scale, I mean, I love this place, but it’s just… My brain is just collapsing, I mean, I wish all this ( Personal issues/ disturbances) never happened, I remember back when I enjoyed every second of EC, but now I need to go crying to a mod every 5 minutes… anyways… I guess I will take a break, maybe things will get better..

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by  AnderZENZ.
    #94462 Score: 0


    Listen, whenever you have recent problems wait a while and if they get worse or start to go on. I think you should stay and see if the problem gets worse, if so then take your break. (Wait a minimum of 3-4 days depending on the problem)

    #94463 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Problems have been happening for months now, I just don’t fit in..

    #94465 Score: 0

    41 pts

    All I really want to say is I’ve been living with depression for a really long time, but I don’t whine about it a lot, but in regards to the server, I just don’t talk very much (in chat), despite the fact that that means I’m ignoring other people.

    #94467 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Even if you take a break Ander I’ll remember you and always feel for you. You see I don’t have all the people saying “hey wanna do this or that” so I know what you feel like. I once tried to take a break but as you know I want to help people that don’t feel like they fit it. I don’t build anymore because I don’t fit it like K1ng. All I’m saying it is you will be remembered for the time you leave if you leave.
    Best Wishes

    #94469 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Ok Ander, if it’s just a break then it’s alright :) Perhaps the 90% people you’re talking about will stop and forget you during this time..
    Cya soon 😉

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    PS: I’ve just seen “AnderZENZ: back :D” on the webchat.. Does that mean you’re back already? 😛 (soz if it sounds sarcastic, it’s really not)

    #94470 Score: 0



    #94478 Score: 0

    13 pts

    dammit, Skeletor bet me to it

    #94483 Score: 0

    7 pts

    This is probably the reason I started playing EC…

    Yay for seeing psychiatrists…. (Never Did)

    #94485 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Lol dice that was 2 hours beforehand xD

    For Skeletor: This doesn’t involve you, the ‘incident’ last night (my time ftw)

    #94635 Score: 0


    Bye Ander, you served us badly.

    Just kidding.

    I understand, you were trying your VERY hardest to earn respect. The same is going on for me at school, I’m trying extremely hard to earn my respect, but I couldn’t. You were just a total ****** to other people for too long, so they took you as an ******* that will never change. I understand your reasons for taking a break from EC.

    #94640 Score: 0


    Bye Ander and come back as soon as possible (With gifts for us) 😀

    #94641 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Bye Ander.

    We hope you come back soon! 😀

    #102040 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Close this topic please 😛 I’ve earned a lot more respect since this :3

    #102161 Score: 0


    You can leave .. bye

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