I think someone hacked my account?


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal I think someone hacked my account?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  saif33 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #28646 Score: 0


    Today I tried to log on to the server to play survival like I always do, and received the error message “You have been banned from this server. Code RD-01” or something similar. I looked at some of the other forums and found that this meant I had been permbanned, which surprised me to say the least.
    I have never hacked anyone’s account, or lured, or x-rayed, or done anything to get me banned. Because I have logged on a couple of times and then been kicked with the message “Same nick is already playing”, I think it is possible that my account may have been hacked. I haven’t done anything wrong, and I believe this is a mistake. If someone could please unban me, I would be very grateful.

    #28647 Score: 0


    If changing my password would help with the potential hacking issue, I plan to do that as soon as I can get back on. If someone could please tell me how to do that it would be great.

    #28650 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts

    Ban code rd-01 is a regional ban ill see if there is a reason other wise ill get you unbanned asap
    Trail Mod Gra0067

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by  Aidan Nye.
    #28653 Score: 0


    Just to explain, rd-01 is when a place has many hackers or people that allow hackers to use their ip’s. EC bans the area then unbans people who want to join who are not hackers. Certain countries and regions are blocked.

    #28659 Score: 0


    Thanks gra :)
    Also, it can’t be a region ban, cause my friend irl (bleh) can still get on to the server just fine, as can my other friends from the same country.

    #28669 Score: 0


    Croatians are commonly banned. I am a lucky bastard because I live there.

    #28676 Score: 0


    Ty for reporting
    And u see the mods helped u u have a problem post it here but the problem must be important like banned forget password or an town mayor problem
    Thnx for reading xD

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