I think this is good bye. We need to talk.


Home Forums Prison Reports I think this is good bye. We need to talk.

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Dicedead 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #93607 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Well were should I start…

    Ok so I’m a happy guy just playing EC like I always do when i’ done with my school and stuff so I start working right.?
    And King, puted this sell thnigy saying sell one cobb for 128$ so me and Mr_Tito361, Are like oh ok lets go mining then so we started to mine and Breez, cured to join us mine and stuff so we are all mining and I just sold a stack or two ofcobb so I’m like ok seems fine to me and I also have proof because Breez, was with us when selling the cobb so you guys kno I’m a donor right.? so I think well 128$ is not that bad so I want to my plot and got al te cobb I can get and start selling it. So bReez, is siting there sacking me when I’m doing this so I’m like well ok she did’t say anything so we are good then so in no time I started to get more and ore money in less then a few hours I goted all the money I needed to rankup. But at that time I only need 200k or something so I go to my plot and started to get all the iron / gold ores that I can and sell them at bm or dshop and the! I came up with the money and ranked up so I’m happy as hell right now an I go tell my Bro leonard901 that I’m about to rankup so out of no wher King, told me tavon, how did you get that much money that fast.? so my mom called me and I came back in a few secs later and told king that I been selling cobb I forgto how I said it but yeah so he’s talking to ZeeKingEpic about it and stuff and out of no where again.. I get Tp back to spawn my bal went all the way down to 0$ and I got a 24hour ban for what NOTHING!
    I truly think that Epic, and King went way t fair this time like really back to J no money and ban! on your hands like dude wth…
    the rank demoted was to fair like really. You’r really going to take a guy time and money just to make him leave the server over some crap that he didn’t even know about… it took me no more then a few months to get to J-L and all that time and money just say bye bye….
    Then king, made it seem like I was the one who made the fail like I’m the mod there no I’m not
    Your the one who failed. Breez was the one who didn’t even report it.
    And whats funny SHE IS A MOD! I can see if I was in J donor mine and she was in K donor then sure blame me all you like but me and her was in he same mine
    She is a mod and I’m just a player here and king was the one who fail so who blame is it really.?
    Also I didn’t report anything becuase knowing K donor mine it can be Op so I was thinking like ok it’s fine. And I bet you any money that Breez, feels the same way.

    Why are you going to do that to a guy who had no idea if it was good or not I work superbly hard for that rank and I dam sure had my right to have it
    Back to J
    No money 0$
    Ban for 24hours. :/
    I just that I have right to at less keep my Rank. :/
    Ir not well I think this isgood bye. :'(

    #93609 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Well I talked to DarkKnightz17 about it and stuff so yeah I’m not going to be in L no time soon and my donor is also about to run out so if you guys can do me a nice big fav and leave me alone until I get back to L because I have to work non stop to be back in L thanks to king I’m not so yeah
    Wish me luck. :/
    Can someone take down this topic for me.

    #93612 Score: 0


    Its considered as glitch abuse which is clearly written in the prison rules section. We punish you so you will know that “glitch abuse” is something serious. So next time you find something strange/unusual, you know that you should report it instead of using it as much as you can. As for bree, we will investigate it further. IF its proven that she was wrong, then she will get a punishment as well.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by  FuriousKnight.
    #93657 Score: 0


    Glitch abuse…interesting

    Tavon it sounds like a large misunderstanding, however now I shall get to L before you >:~)

    #93664 Score: 0

    12 pts

    No matter I’m a boss at prison anyways so it wont take long befor I go back to L.
    Then I will think to my self and say.
    God dam Tavon1924, you pull it off by ranking up that fast.
    Always a boss and always will be one. >:D
    Also did I told you to take this topic down Darkknightz17.? Hm.

    #93673 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Yeah, you did, tav 😛 And King closed it, but it’s re-opened for some reason (or you meant: why was it closed?).

    If that is really how it happened.. Then, in my opinion, there are too much mistakes in this case.
    -The 128$ cobble
    -Bree who hasn’t told you to stop
    -Selling the cobble

    (demote King and Bree 😛 ) The punishment is fair in a way and unfair in another. You’ve abused the glitch and haven’t got perm-banned, but Bree hasn’t told you to stop and, while you’re the only one punished for it, this glitch has surely been used by other K+ rankers (if it was in K shop) / other people (if it was in BM.. but I doubt it was there, or else it would only be King’s fault) / donors (if in dshop).
    So yeah, I wanted to make sure you take all the above into consideration. My suggestion if you realize you’ve messed up is putting Tav back to K rank with 0$ or 1 to 6 mill (he has already got the 24h ban)

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

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