I want to return'm Innocent


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal I want to return'm Innocent

This topic contains 17 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  diegogonzalez 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #84076 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Mizo, considering you used google translate, when he reads that, he’ll probably read it like we are reading his grammar

    #84083 Score: 0

    Hola! para ser desbaneado, debes utilizar esta plantilla!

    Tu nombre de usuario:
    Por qué te han baneado:
    Quien te baneo:
    Por qué crees que debes ser unbaneado:

    #84103 Score: 0


    In-game name:Diegos_sonny

    Why you were banned:For use according hack

    What server you have been banned on{The hub, Survival ETC}:In Survival

    Why you should be unbanned: Explanation: Something like that happened that day I was playing a normal day Ere I at my home in those days was settling my chests and sends me tpahere and I leave my armor in dispensers or something and you accept tpahere and it’s a guy who I forget his name which killed me but I always expect to get them trolls live in basaland sethome not lose my house and so I always put in sethome tp hack is not that many when I disen send me tp kill and then hack it back is not only sethome. aa and not much English and use a translator

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