I was accedently banned


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal I was accedently banned

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Joey (jminer96) 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #20144 Score: 0


    When on pvp hill i guy killed me i ask for my stuff but he keep on saying no i’m trying to kill him because I thought he stole my sword then when i got killed a lot of times he wouldn’t give it back and i said i was going to hack him but i don’t hack actually i just said that to scare him so that he can give it back but then guradian mod bongo came in or watched the whole thing or just logged in at that time and he banned me and i thought that person who keeps killing me must have made a second account named bongo i tried to tell to unban me but he wouldn’t so please unbann me.

    #20148 Score: 0


    i think you should be banned and unbanned at the same time because you are threating him and saying that you are cheating even tho you dont’ so mixed emotions i guess.

    #20176 Score: 0

    Joey (jminer96)

    1.You got banned  because of threating

    2.This happened on pvp hill so he was right to take your stuff if he killed you fair.

    You shouldnt threaten a person or say your hacking when your not, those two are automatic bans, but i think you should have a second chance but your not getting your sword back.


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