I Will Keep Asking.
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Tagged: #CloseDaTpoicPlz
This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by AnderZENZ 10 years, 4 months ago.
Why am I still tagged? I know for a FACT that this is a misunderstanding. I demand to be untagged I have already shown proof I didn’t break any rules like 20 times and NOBODY will listen to me. I will keep asking until I get untagged. And I KNOW I did nothing wrong. SevenFootMonst3r has contacted high mods MANY times but gotten ignored. I have talked to Jttt3, vsub, River, Seven, and Lone but nobody will pay any attention to my SERIOUS problem. Again, I have shown and stated my case many times, so there is absolutelyno excuse for nobody doing anything. I keep getting mistreated Mods PAY ATTENTION to this post because I am warning you. You keep up this B.S., I will not be happy. {FYI, MSN is the one who tagged me}
“The Law is powerless to help you, not punish you.” -Chief Wiggum
That one quote pretty much summarizes the moderator team’s way of thinking. If given even the slightest, most abstract clue, or the most minor, untruest claims, they will warn and punish you. Yet even if a player followed the instructions to get unbanned, the promised won’t happen till very late, and sometimes never.
Alright ander, first of you do not demand ANYTHING from us. Also… you are warning us, uh really… I believe you were tagged because you griefed seven’s town. Also I think this is your first tag, if so just wait a month.Also If you keep spamming the forums about this you will most probably get blocked from them.
“Why am I still tagged? I know for a FACT that this is a misunderstanding. ” false you grifed sevens town. You claim you don’t remember taking the block? Too bad. Logs show you took it. If it was your bro, don’t let him on your account.
Maybe yeah you have shown proof, but your proof is not enough or maybe even invalid. If you keep asking, better just leave or continue a cheerful life with your griefer tag.
“SERIOUS problem.”
Yes, that is why you are tagged, because ehat you did is a serious problem.
“there is absolutelyno excuse for nobody doing anything”
They did something, like enforce the rules to those who break them, and yes, this is pointed to you for example.
“I will not be happy”
We understand, nobody likes the rules, but it just has to be thereApparently, you are threatening the Mods with [Insert What You Meant By “OrElse” Here], boy this sure reminds me with the lawrenceshane case, just a tiny bit different.
Harassing/Abusing the mod-team, heck, abusing anyone in general, won’t really get anything much done.
So please, for your sake, don’t just harass the moderators, there was valid proof of you griefing, which is why you received your tag.My advice, Ander:
Either accept your tag, and wait until if/when it’s gone.
As max said, “better just leave”Also, please explain what you mean by “OrElse”, I’m sure we’d love to know.
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