iKiLLAHZ Ban Appeal [2] -PLEASE READ-
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This topic contains 30 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by Bender 12 years, 10 months ago.
Dear EternalCracked Staff :
Last time i filed for a ban appeal, Borncorp said “Declined. You could have just left silently, but you decided to try to hurt the server along the way. This was a completely fair ban. You did this to yourself”
I was banned nearly five months ago, The reason? I joined GTLtheLoneWolf in this “Revolution” which could have badly harmed Eternal’s player input and loyalty to the server. That stupid decision I made to join GTL ended up being a total disaster because 1: like born said, I could have left silently. 2: The server GTL and SIth started died slowly, as nobody would tend to it, 3 : I need to think about the possibilities before i make decisions like i have done in the past (prior to being banned).
This ban appeal is basically like my little plea to become unbanned from EternalCracked. Ive been part of this community since 1.7.3, and I know ive hit tons of rough patches along the way, I really wanna come back on the server, I know i backstabbed you and i joined a “fruitless” idea of another server that turned sour and I know that the revolution and that server could have caused harm to Eternal, and I know that i have insulted you guys based on my anger and feelings towards being banned from Eternal. Im being truthful here.. Im sorry for all the inconveniences i have caused in the past (prior and after i got banned). Even if im given another chance or not, ill reflect upon the bad decision i have made. I really want back in the community of Eternal, All my minecraft friends (Eduardo, Andrei, and Chibi) want me back on. It really sucks being perm banned, its almost as if its an exile that will never end. Im the stupid idiot that dud this to myself….. and yes this ban was completely fair and i learned from it…. I think its proper for me to just apologize in this ban appeal even if this dosent get accepted… because i know ive done some stupid and immature things on the server and after my time on the server…. It feels like this perm banned made me pay the price, and i thought its about time i try to ask for another ban appeal…
I hope you can consider unbanning me and accepting this ban appeal, if not…. then i guess theirs no use ….
This guy seems legit. Although I’d like to know what you did to hurt the server?
the reason i got banned is in the appeal
I do not know him personally, but from the trash he wrote on the sites where we represented our server, I was able to make a really great personality picture. I think that you should work on your temper and as you already realized by yourself, your decision making model. Bursting into anger onto a whole community and then writing such a heartbreaking story is not what I would consider as an excuse. And honestly, if I was every in such a position, and thanks to myself that I do have the skills to prevent wrong behavior, I wouldn’t even dare to write such a thing or even thinking of asking those people to take me back. But that’s just me and my opinion. People like you shouldn’t get a second chance.
So I advise a non-acceptance.
To Aki :
You make it sound like im a terrible hacker, with this psychotic temper. this game is minecraft, the worst someone can do is grief and spam… as for me i dont use any sort of hacks and i wouldnt harm the server because ive changed, those verbal things were out of hatred and anger towards my wrong doings.. That was 5 months ago, and ive been on this server and all the versions of it since 1.7.3.. and for the EternalCracked server version, ive been on it since day one.. and that one decision to join a stupid riot got me to where i am, and i know i dont deserve another chance, but ive really change, im not trying to get on just to cause nonsense with anyone, its for the same reason ive been playing all these months, hang out with my minecraft friends and build thats all. for your information this appeal isnt “heart breaking” i skipped to the point of why im back. and to shine some light on that negativity i posted, i have sinced removed and deleted all the negative and nasty comments ive posted on your sites in the last week, before i posted this appeal, and as of the last 5 months ive been banned, i thought about things that you think i need to work on (temper / decision making) and i believe i still have a chance to return onto the server and resume where i left off, back in Divinity with Chibi and Andrei, and eduardo if he still plays.
Personality “Caricature” or as you say picture of the person you dont even know personally based on some negative trash comments is just like inferring what you know based on the cover of a book, theres more to me you dont know about.
I know this sounds terribly harsh especially on my part, but i dont like to be called someone or something i am clearly not, anymore…. soo yeah
I just want to say that I’m a very dedicated reader and I have read a big amount of literature throughout my life. I do not judge by the cover, I judge by the the first ten pages. And believe me, this has never led me wrong.
Also, I know a lot about people and their behavior, I study human psychologies as an add subject and there are many types of people, and when saying “we aren’t all the same and people can change” we do big mistakes. This isn’t a wrong statement, but it contains the little, non-accurate word “can” which I am not a fan of and the first statement that we aren’t the same is also a lie. You’d be amazed how many types of people can perfectly be adjusted onto a glimpse of someones personalityI get it when someone doesn’t want to be called something. But your history will always keep track on you, you will always be the traitor and you will always have people who won’t cooperate with you, because of what you’ve done in the past.
Anyways, I don’t think the judgement on your case is up to me. The people who threw you out shall decide whether or whether not you will be accepted.
I’ve been informed the judgement of wether this appeal will get approved or disapproved is based on what the community (server) thinks, and as of now I have about a 10% chance getting accepted.
I’ve known you since 1.7. When I met you in Whocraft, you we’re welcoming, trustful..You had an amazing personality. A good person in general. But as the weeks, days and hours past, you changed. You we’re no longer a good person in my eyes, as you said I betrayed you. How did I? Simply moving onto a different town does not classify as betraying. Does it? I think not. Somehow, I find it hard to believe you and I we’re friends. I looked deeper into your personality, and I just couldn’t believe it. You we’rent who I thought you we’re. You turned sour, as a lot of people claimed. Honestly, I too do not think your story serves as an “excuse” as Aki said. Although, I don’t believe that you we’re banned in a bad manner. You disgraced the community, with foul words, and accusations. And I know that from what you told me all those months ago. I think remaining in your position now, is whats best for all of us, IKiLLAH. Though I am..I guess, terribly sorry about this. But considering what you have done, I do not appeal to the un-ban. Therefore, its a thumbs down.~Your old friend Tralala.
kallahz seems nice but if it was over 5 months ago then I can’t help it.
What’s the harm with letting iKillah back on? If he acts up just re-ban him and move on
I agree with chris
If he griefs, we rollback and ban.
If he spams, we ban
If he acts up, we ban.
No harm done.Guys,
I know what i did was stupid, and terrible, and as Aki said, My decision making model needs work. I know my attitude and personality just randomly turned sour, on my part its due to my bad decisions joining in and helping fuel the Riots for GTL, and I was caught in the middle, in the moment of it all. My appeal is not trying to server as a excuse, Its plea to let me back on the server, it serves as an apology, im not trying to say that, “hey i have an excuse, let me back on.” kind of thing, its different, its my way of apologizing for my actions and the disgrace i have put upon myself and the EternalCracked server, and I know most of you think I dont deserve to be given a second chance, but hear me out. I have changed alot in the 5 months, Im like the old iKiLLAHZ before the riot and all of the nonsense and trash began. I fully agree with Danielxing and Christhewhelk, Theres no harm whatsoever letting me back onto EternalCracked, Ive never spammed or hacked ever in all the months leading up to the riots, and after it. Adding on to that I am not a griefer, Im a builder, the only thing ill destroy is things i built, or things i have permission to destroy. Im feel really bad for what ive done and I really want a second chance, The reason im back is because Ive been talking to And_Kos and Chibi on Skype, and they say that they wish i could come back again.. I just wanna resume to the point in time, before the riots.. In divinity, helping Chibi and going on adventures with random people. I wish you guys could see it, and just forgive me and forget all this trash every happened, I know i have had a temper, and a potty mouth, and a personality change that drastically got me to where i am today, but like danielxing and Christhewhelk said theres no harm letting me back on, you can keep tabs on me, if i act up, grief, spam/hack, you can always re-ban me, im in favor of this punishment then staying permbanned forever. Please rethink your decision
Considering the fact of the matter, As of now, nobody wants me back.
Let’s give him another chance xD we can keep a close eye on him 😀
I understand what you guys mean. No harm done, right?
But we’re very cautious with this kind of stuff.
Considering the fact I was friends with iKiLLAH
for a long period of time, I get his plea.~Tra.
This reply was modified 12 years, 10 months ago by
Remember that one night, when we were building that bridge ? those old days can return… and ive changed alot, im not some sadistic little potty mouth douche with a temper anymore, life changes you, experiences change you, and ive learned for them… thats why i want to come back..
This reply was modified 12 years, 10 months ago by
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