Im Banned


Home Forums Factions Ban Appeal Im Banned

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #84663 Score: 0


    Im Banned From Factions For Mostly Bypassing..i have bypassed like 3-4 times.and also discussed about hacked clients.yes iam an u can team viewer me check my whole minecraft i dont have any byassers or hacaked clients.i hope you believe what im saying.from now i wont do such things.

    #84664 Score: 0


    Please follow this proper template and post it here itself:

    Ingame Name:
    When were you banned:
    Why were you banned:
    Who banned you:
    Why do you think you should be unbanned:

    Not following this will reduce your chances in getting unbanned

    #84665 Score: 0


    Ingame Name: ThEPoTaToGoD
    Why im banned: Bypassed 3 times and discussed about hacks.
    who banned me: sorry i dont know.
    why i think i should be unbanned:From now i wont do any discussion about hacks and hack clients.and also im not bypassing anymore.i will do anything so u can trust i already said u can team viewer me check my whole thing if you find a single hack or bypasser ban me sorry to all the staff in the server to do such stupid things.but i dont find any server this good.i cant and dont know what to say anymore.i just said everything is in your hand moderators sorry again.and waiting for the reply.

    #84668 Score: 0


    First,you bypass 3 TIMES as you said
    This reduces your chances of getting unbanned

    Well anyway
    Forwarded to a HigherMod :)

    #84674 Score: 0

    14 pts

    You bypassed many times.

    Bypass means to login using another account and joining the server while you are banned.

    THis ban appeal has been denied.

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