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This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by migz 10 years, 2 months ago.
me zumabad and jadon, we wnt to /warp start and there was a place which pvp was allowed (a glitch) and then zumabad started hitting me there i escaped by ender pearl, then i go back and someone used suicide bomb and killed us all im lucky im the only one who got my armor all the other exploded we all think its tako cuz 1. he spamms his tomawhack and 2. he abused a glitch by using his suicide bomb on the pvp area none of us was using suicide bomb, and then wither wants proof, for the next time wither tell us how to get proof if we died already? how can we get proof that we losed the stuff tell us TELL US! also idk but people say who dies first is the one who uses suicide bomb and tako died first 2 times which he used suicide bomb 2 times and if he dint the 1. time it was the second time cuz he killed jadon with that suicide bomb and jadon wasnt holding a suicide bomb, #BlameWither #BlameTako
Well if you can’t handle suicide bombs, nobody forces you to PvP and/or play. It’s part of the game and you’ll have to deal with it, how annoying it may be.
If it’s a glitch then why didn’t I hear about this from you at all? You never reported this to me and It was jadon who did.
I told you that tako didn’t bomb you and if you keep accusing, action will be taken again.
Who said you can’t spam your tomahawk…
It’s either u get me legit proof that supports what you want back or you get nothing. It’s simple as that. If you can’t provide me anything, i can’t provide you anything.
Tako didn’t do anything or abuse a glitch. It was you guys…
@xZero_Strike i died bye an explosion on an area that is suppose to be no pvp, make sure to read all before posting anytghyng
@witherplaycmc we dint report the glitch before because it was founded uhmmm TODAY!!! and i instantly post this to website
igra2002 I advise that you take a minute and realize that Wither is a headmod because he knows what he’s doing, or else do you really think he would be such a high rank? Minecraft runs through a set of script and logs that tell everything about everything. If a problem were to occur, it would have been eyed in the logs, and glitches can and will happen, and often its unpleasant but don’t ever expect a “perfect” game without glitches and exploits. Arguing with a headmoderator will get you banned just like Mr_Tito and AnderZENZ, whose ban appeal was denied because he talked back.
we wnt to /warp start and there was a place which pvp was allowed (a glitch) and then zumabad started hitting me there i escaped by ender pearl, then i go back
You tell me to read everything, well I did so, you clearly say you were in a PvP arena and you escaped using an enderpearl, and then you went back which means you were in a PvP arena when you died, which means there is no reason for you to be refunded… And surely not a reason for you to be mean to me.
This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by
This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by
@xZero_Strike there is a place near the pvp area that pvp is off, i dint went to the area again… After the suicide bomb, which i think tako throw it doesnt matter now, i went back to take my stuff, not all survived whoever throwed that suicide bomb abused the glitch…
Seems to me u got pushed by the tommy spam to the pvp area :3
This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by
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