I'm done with faction for now.


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This topic contains 11 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Skeletor 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #87849 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Yes like I said I’m done with faction why?
    Beucase me and the fac that I joined always gets raid and I don’t see it fun anymore to keep getting raided over over and over I put in 7hours of work and some nub! call me lazy….. for nothing not just for ” Yolo ” not nothing.
    So! I wont be playing faction no more or much anymore because 99% of EC don’t like me and 99% of EC don’t want me in there fac. But! some mods / player will say ” Oh tavon why not just make a far away base and start there” That’s Bulls*** I aint putting time like that in faction again pftt I wish I would do it again….. just to get raided again man hell no…
    Me and Ander made a good base and when I come back that base is GONE is I’m done with that shit its doing nothing but making me inactive in prison , Mg , Sv…. then whats funny the same fac raided us like 5times now so no no it’s just better if I lay off faction for a few months and play prison and try and get OP and rankup and etc….
    Note: all of my loot will go to my real friends not the ones who been noobs….

    Now I got to get ryd to hear @syth22 later about ” Hahah nub I knew you’ll quit faction soon” getting ryd for that and I got to get ryd for takoballball as well because he’ll say ” Ha noob we rekt your fac many” I just don’t wan to hear that bulls*** anymore like for real….

    #87850 Score: 0


    Faction is all about raiding and getting raided. If you don’t want to get raided, join the “Starter” Faction xD

    #87854 Score: 0


    ^ took the words right out of my mouth

    Also its not fair you using this post to attack syth like that.

    #87856 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Yeah it’s just better if I leave faction alone for a few months and stay in prison…..

    #87858 Score: 0


    Bye :))))

    #87864 Score: 0


    Bro, thats the point. Make and destroy. Get strong. Wreck and get wrecked. Well if you wanna leave its your decision and yeah i never called you nub. Ali did. Just for fun no hard feelings its his style. He even called Wither and alex “Nabs” and his profile pic was N U B. Dont be offended 😛

    #87875 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Tavon, don’t tell me our faction got raided already… Anyway, thanks for the help yrmesterday. (PS, I might need your guns 😛 )

    #87883 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Yep, we were raided, but I got new plans for next time, not gonna happen, Deleterious >:)

    #87900 Score: 0

    10 pts

    well i dont think everyone hates u well. Everyone at one point of there life miss understood them and so did i. I miss understood you when you came to survival but i dont hate you anymore. About the factions bruhh thats the fun thing i like geting raided and raiding other people (but i can never find a base D:)

    #87906 Score: 0

    7 pts

    We’re ready for the threat, Ander (-:

    It’s not that Deleterious has never been raided, but yes, we were once raided legitimately by Jttt3. We defended, but we also lost lot of stuff there. So whenever you think that we’re ruling, Jttt3 broke our record. Well then have fun with Prison, and if you have really put on 7 hours then it is destroyed, how would you feel if I say I have put 3 weeks, and it gets destroyed just like that. So.. Haters gonna hate ;3

    #87907 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Max, I’m not mad… I hate how you ALWAYS assume I’m weaker, more sensitive, and dont know anything about factions… I’m not mad at all… I’d appreciate it you and all ur enemy friends would stop knacking on me… im obviosuly not a threat to you…

    #87925 Score: 0


    I cry. Well tavon, whenever you come back to factions I hope you have a better attitude, sorry you feel that way about me

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