Today when Ethan logged on, I was on my alt, right? I was building on the base and securing it, and I started seeing chests opening and obsidian breaking, and apparently ethan was going to break his luck block xD So I freaked out, I was on my alt, right? So he didn’t know who I was. So when I did the hack test, he said “I’m a member of our faction” so I forgot I was on my alt, so he thought I was someone else. I then kicked him from the faction, and killed him. Then he was like “what the ****” and I’m like “Well derp. I forgot I’m on my alt account” and I’m like “OMG so sorry I didn’t tell you I was Ander” and he’s like “oh” so I re-added him lol. Lesson learned: List your alts to your members and remember when you’re on them!
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