infection request


Home Forums Survival Plugin Request / Discussion infection request

This topic contains 21 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  danielxing 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #20149 Score: 0


    so i have a zombie request the humans get iron sword iron armor enchanted bow power IX punch 2 and 4 steak and the zombie gets chain infinaty speed 2 iron sword  u costomise ur own maps (leave that up to head mods or up) it selects 3 random people to be zombies they go around killing people in iron armor they try to defend theirselfs and when everyone is a zombie it loads the next map (that headmods and up make) and u get special abilitys the redstone torch BLOWS UP ALL ZOMBIES AN AN AREA!!!! SNOWBALL makes them have nasiga makes them blind and weak but thats when u refelstop that means u kill the same zombie over and over and over u can get extra arrows cheap golden apple and u can enchant (if the mods put enchanting tables in the map) SO i hope u vote up and if this becomes a plugin i hope U hAVE FUN!!!! so please please VOTE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    #20152 Score: 0


    should add deadlife! on a preiumum server called craftera and some reason it’s been down for like over 2weeks and i can’t play deadlife during server restarts :(

    So things humans get when they ROFLESTOMP zombies which is when they kill the same zombie/player muliptle times and they get redstone torch= airstrike in the area snowball which is like a bomb that gives slowness weakness  nausea you can get extra arrows

    it’s fun but one in the chamber is funnier i think.

    #20153 Score: 0

    14 pts

    ….. I really don’t understand you. When u begin, it was weird untill i read ur title……

    1. This will make server lagg
    2. The blowing up is bad and needs to be replaced after each game….
    3. If players can glitch in this game, how can u solve it

    Answer these questions and i have an anwser…..

    #20154 Score: 0


    explosions off. gosh and it’s really fun and you need a preimum account tho not cracked unfortunatly.

    #20155 Score: 0


    Well thats a bit difficult for ec dont ya think?

    #20156 Score: 0


    Wither just stop being a hater and let people try stuff new.  I think a lot of people will like infection and not everyone has played it plus you can make it so there is not explosions from TNT.  I think you should add it so vote up.  Dont take it in a bad way but you dont want anyone to add more plugins and I think that is pretty hateful so please let people try to get more plugins and minigames installed.

    #20158 Score: 0

    14 pts

    i ain’t no hater…. It sort of seems fun to me but think about the server and the laggness it MIGHT create…… THink about it and also the configurating….

    #20159 Score: 0


    LMFAO nice one icyvoid xD

    #20160 Score: 0


    Well if lag happens they will probably remove it so U just got Berned.


    #20162 Score: 0


    because when wither shoot there explosion ball they so called cause “lag”

    #20163 Score: 0


    lolololoolol nice one valk 😀

    #20164 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Ain no body got time fo dat

    #20165 Score: 0


    LOL wither i seen that video with that ladies house the burned down and there was rap for it LOL and since icy is a TNT skin he cause lag!!!! JK JK JK XD

    #20166 Score: 0


    Well I do so MEGA Burnz 😛

    #20167 Score: 0


    Yo wither guess wat

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 22 total)

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