Inv Glitch


Home Forums Prison Help! Something oopsd! Inv Glitch

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Luffy_D_MonkeySTC 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #130516 Score: 0


    So as you know we have that /blocks thingy , I was mining and as always I check my /blocks to see if I have reached the checkpoint and I make sure to leave inv space for the rewards.. so what happened was that I left and inv space.. I threw useless ores then later on… I got the rewards which is 2 mil then I checked my inv to see if there were premium crates but none….. the items that were not useful to me …. glitched and wasnt thrown….. I lost a total of 3 premium crates only… I hope I get a refund….

    #130548 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Its not an inventory glitch, either you were getting delay or some lag

    #130559 Score: 0


    That happened to me too ;c (my post : )
    so i feel your pain

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