IP Banned


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal IP Banned

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Yawlik 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #10009 Score: 0


    My account is not banned but when I am at my Dad’s house playing it says “the banhammer has spoken.”  I guess that means the IP address here got bannned somehow, but it shouldn’t be, and it’s only banned on survival.  Will you please unban so I can play when I am here.  Thanks.


    #10051 Score: 0


    Hi its me Hockey and I dont know how to make a forum .-.! I am banned for some reason and I dont know why?!?! Can you please respond ASAP! I want to get on and play. Thanks for your support if you can get me unbanned.-Hockey3737

    #10063 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    Sorry hockey but your brother, nightclaw, was banned for xray

    #10068 Score: 0


    Hockey, you should be able to login now.

    Yawlik, does anyone else play on that ip?

    #10069 Score: 0


    Alright thanks. I go on later. Thanks mods for understanding my suitation.-Hockey3737


    #10208 Score: 0


    yes there is other people that play on that computer here are all the account names

    blindlizard  SArgentSkully kissakaya and mine Yawlik

    That should be all the name that have played on that computer but they can still play on other computers. My dad also said to say he lives in a apartment complex

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