IP banned again?


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal IP banned again?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  RY4JisHere 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #75984 Score: 0


    Unbanned our IP someone banned it again….
    El_Reptar wants to be unbanned thats why he used another acc. please unban our IP I hope you’ll understand………………….

    #BannedIPAgain :(

    #75988 Score: 0


    Well…if El_Reptar didn’t want to be banned, he shouldn’t have hacked. Your ip on the other hand, is now guilty. You guys all knew that he was bypassing and didn’t report it to a mod which now makes you guilty. The amount of hacking in your ip is too damn high. Please give me a list of all players with correct caps that need to be whitelisted. Your ip will remain banned so no new users can be created or can bypass but your usernames will be unbanned.

    #75990 Score: 0


    @vsub391 is correct.
    Hacks will never be tolerated!
    Even in other servers, just to remind you.
    Also, you didn’t do the ban appeal right.
    Explain thoroughly and follow the template.
    Further explanation should help alleviate this problem.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  RazorThunder.
    #76057 Score: 0


    El_Reptar’s Account: jacknat19,n3gotiator,KelvinD and also El_Reptar that’s all and just ban them all… Please unbanned the IP..

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  RY4JisHere.
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