ip Banned fell from Skyblock island


Home Forums Minigames Ban Appeal ip Banned fell from Skyblock island

This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Macomatic 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #27529 Score: 0


    So I was playing skyblock and decided to try to build under the big part of the skyblock and placed water for incase I fell so would catch me and I fell and it said [Kicked]tempbanned for 10 minutes at first then I waited 10 minutes and got back on and clicked arena sign it said [Kicked] ip banned so if anyone could help that would be nice

    #27546 Score: 0


    Goldkill. It is only for 10 minutes. You should have patience to wait. :)
    Everyone faces the same problem. If this problem keeps on happening, Born will fix it.

    #27549 Score: 0


    Some people was kicked while it was lagging as the server was highly unstable..I hope the head mods /born can remove some redundent plugins that may lag the server… :( ~Woggy_Moggs

    #27585 Score: 0


    Zevguns did u not read the topic I am ipbanned because I waited the 10 minutes got back on and it kicked me saying ipban

    #27586 Score: 0


    Ah… My bad. When the server is up again, go an see if you can still enter the server. If not, get a admin or head mod or born to help ya.

    #27592 Score: 0


    GOLDKILL isnt lying, I fell into the void and I got temp banned for 10 minutes, after 10 min was over, I was IP Banned. This happened 5 times to me and all got fixed because of Admins(Nhu). They added a new plugin to avoid that but they got rid of it. The arena’s server is soo strict on both skyblock and HG because it is supposed to be strict on HG and because skyblock is in arena’s, it is also strict too. I t doesn’t understand how you can fall into the void in HG(but you really in skyblock). This will happen alot and ask a mod and they will fix it.

    – Macomatic

    #27604 Score: 0


    and how do I ask a mod to fix this do I wait for them to reply to this?

    #27607 Score: 0


    well i saw server back up so I went on and am unbanned now and would like to thank whoever took the time to read this and unban me 😀

    #27630 Score: 0


    Great for goldkill, now this topic should be closed for discussion.

    – Macomatic

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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