is this fair?


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal is this fair?

This topic contains 15 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  leighmah 12 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #6478 Score: 0


    hey im leighmah from eternalcracked server, so i got a ip ban for 24hours, for xraying. but 1 second before i was banded, i was killed. so there for i lost my inventory, and got a ban…. now i have to deal with a ban, fair enough, although i wasnt even using xray, it is a texture pack called strongest craft… so i lose my inventory, which i worked hard for, and worked to it legitly, so now when i log back in i have nothing. i would of been happy to just give back the items i found. and take a ban, but lose all when i had the following: diamond shovel, diamond axe, diamond pic, diamond hoe, full diamond armor with the helmet enchanted to respiration I, 2 diamond swords enchanted 1 with sharpness I and the other with bane of arthropods I, 2 enchanted bow power I and power II. i have a small town to look after, so in my opinion it is completely fair i get a ban, but do you think i could get my thigns refunded, even without the enchantments, so i am truly sorry and will learn from this, Leighmah

    #6479 Score: 0


    This was your 2nd ban for x-ray, first one was by Zac. You had also claimed to have caused the chunk errors, which we all know is not true. If you would like to put your self-image down like that for you to blame, so be it, that can be arranged.

    A 3rd reason why you were banned was for disrespect.

    Awaiting further input from players and mods.

    – Chibichuba

    #6480 Score: 0

    23 pts

    I hope that you have learned the lesson. Cheating is not tolerated, stuff is not gonna get refunded. Do it again and you will lose everything for sure

    #6481 Score: 0


    i never caused to claim the errors, i said i knew who did, and obvisioly it was a joke, and now im completly banded, for getting on the server just then to try and tell you i have posted this, please un-ban me, it was honestly to tell you this was up


    #6482 Score: 0


    ok, born i completly agree now, but now i am completly banded, why please unban me, i have a town to look after, please i wont do it, i just need to be unbaned and put back onto the 24 hour ban

    #6483 Score: 0


    i can live without my stuff, not without my town and the serevr


    #6484 Score: 0


    you should atleast take him off perm ban, i was mining with him at the time, & i dont evene think he was using x-ray? i just thought we were getting lucky. :) please fellas, i’ll love you all.

    #6485 Score: 0


    see a town member, showiing how much he really needs me


    #6486 Score: 0


    i’ll give you some gear if they let you back on. <3

    #6489 Score: 0


    hmm i agree this is unfair this isnt the first time you were banned though, you need to be careful who you choose as freinds, i say lets give him one last chance born :)

    i mean sure he used up his second chance but hey i know him and as stuck up as he is, he isnt a cheater i know that much :)


    #6494 Score: 0


    yes, see born, there is people who want me back on, and i need to support my town members, and just to say deathly isnt one of my members, and i dont know him, please 1 more chance, never again will i cheat/take advantage of bugs/xray ever again, im so sorry, and now that i look back at what ive done, i realise it was completly fair to take my things, but a perm ban, please, it doesnt have to be this way



    #6496 Score: 0


    is that enough born?

    #6497 Score: 0


    hmm i need people to atleast look at my application D: they avoid it like the plauge


    and leigh i only said you should get another chance because i know you dont cheat


    #6498 Score: 0


    thanks you


    #6500 Score: 0


    i was with him at the time mining too, no xray from my knowledge, he should aleast be taken of perm ban atleast!! ♥


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