It was a joke, Psycho9!


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal It was a joke, Psycho9!

This topic contains 10 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  _Zko7_ 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #84764 Score: 0


    PSycho9, I Told you that i had a REALLY REALLY Huge Diamond Mine that i can get maybe 1.5K in like 11 Seconds, Well what went was….
    1. went To DShop and bought diamonds (only from Dshop cus unlimited and Cheap)
    2. I Sold’em for a Lower Price in my Shop, Dont care about Money..
    3. I Started making them Higher Prices because its like Shop made for Nothing..
    4. Psycho9 Gets Serious about the mine and Bans me… Seriously???
    AGAIN, Mods are Blind – 88green1

    [No Offense]

    #84766 Score: 0


    You should never joke about dupes…
    This will of course result in ban no matter what
    And also
    Follow the proper ban appeal :)

    #84767 Score: 0


    First Of all you got banned for duping diamonds, you had approximately 2600 diamonds in your shop. I did not believe you about your “diamond mine,” im not that stupid. I gave you opportunity to explain yourself for having such a large amount of diamonds. You didn’t take that opportunity serious, which isn’t my fault.Now if you were to be such amount of diamonds it would cost about 1.6 million, i highly doubt you spent that much.

    #84771 Score: 0


    Also you said that you sold em cheaper than dshop, BUT you were making money. One last thing I know for a fact that you know a scs dupe glitch.

    #84775 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Zz and Psycho are right on the “money” 😛

    #84781 Score: 0

    41 pts

    You should’ve just been honest with Psycho.
    Don’t be taking out your anger on the Mod team, just because you might’ve wanted a joke.

    #89760 Score: 0


    Didn’t know jokes can ban .-. Now It ws a joke and calm down I wasted like 2 mil on them then I get like 1.8 mil after they all sold out.. I just want my shop to be famous 😛 while making my shop even cost higher I got banned e.e
    Please Unban?

    #89761 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    we (mod team) didn’t take jokes about hack or dupe. we’re jut playing clean.

    #89762 Score: 0


    Ehh K Since it was a joke can you Unban now?

    #89765 Score: 0

    14 pts

    mubar can join survival. Isn’t she banned?

    #89770 Score: 0


    Mubar can have that amount of diamond since I paid em about 1million +

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