itbarany's Ban Appeal


Home Forums Creative Ban Appeal itbarany's Ban Appeal

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Oocca 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #53300 Score: 0


    In-game name (with right caps): itbarany

    Why you have been banned (X-ray, spamming, etc.): “bypassing ban” ?

    Where you are banned (the hub, survival, etc.): Creative Server
    Who banned you: The message said Zevguns. I wasn’t on long enough to see who was online!

    Why you should be unbanned: First off, (And I honestly don’t mean to make this sound rude, I promise D:) I was only online for like five seconds before I got kicked off, so I didn’t do anything wrong but step into one of my plots.
    And even for the “Bypassing Ban” message, I don’t even know what I did wrong before that. I mean, there were arguments with two other members, Darklord5566 and taistaip1, but I did nothing wrong in them.
    For the first argument, Darklord was the one trying to swear at me and harrassing me, and I did nothing against the rules to reply! I was jailed unfairly, and Squirtle was kind enough to “bail” me out. (Thanks, Squirtle c:)
    And then taistaip and I got into a tiny argument, but we didn’t even say anything. I think our hostility for eachother was quite obvious, without words. But she came on yesterday and started griefing me & my friend’s house, so I reported it to the mod on duty, RichardIvan. And so she covered up the evidence and wasn’t punished, which I understand. Can’t have judgement without the proof. (My friend also came online and removed her from the plot.)
    I honestly have no idea how I bypassed a previous ban? I don’t believe I’ve done anything wrong..
    Except maybe my awful joke spree last night. :(
    Happy New Years Eve D:

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by  itbarany.
    #53305 Score: 0


    No more mod apps.

    #53307 Score: 0


    What do you mean?

    #53308 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Itbarany, I’ve banned you first for writing inapp things (PG-13) on signs, in blueloving’s 100×100 plot. Note: I’ve banned the account “Fishy”, not “itbarany”. If Fishy is your sibling, well, please ask him to do his own ban appeal.

    Then, you logged with “itbarany”. An admin saw that Fishy has the same IP that yours, so, naturally, this became avoiding ban.

    I repeat it once again, if Fishy is your sibling, tell him/her to make his own ban appeal. If he/she get unbanned, you’ll can join again, if not, maybe you’ll get an exception.

    Thanks for reading :)

    Also, xav, you clicked the wrong topic 😛

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by  Dicedead.
    #53311 Score: 0


    Oh, dear.
    Sometimes when I go afk, I have found that my sibling goes onto my account. He doesn’t have his own account, and I keep yelling at him not to get on the computer if I’m not in the room :(
    Fishy was indeed my account, but I switched names so that I could have the skin that I use now. Ugh, siblings.
    I’m sorry he caused you guys the trouble :(
    But when he comes home from his friends house, whether it’s New Years Eve or not, he is definitely getting into trouble with me >:(

    Edit; Ugh, what kind of grammar am I using?

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by  itbarany.
    #53314 Score: 0


    Mmmm my mistake 😛

    #53336 Score: 0

    13 pts

    #ItsMyBro 😀

    #54214 Score: 0


    So this is the ban appeal you were talking about, fishy? Lol :3

    I guess apparently it works.

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