Item Lag fix pleas take a look
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This topic contains 21 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by Trevish 9 years, 4 months ago.
As most of you no the server has bin lagging this few weeks. In order to combat this lag Born the server owner has installed a plugin called clearlag.
What most of you no is clearlag clears the items floating on the ground every few minutes in order to stop (Item Lag). What some of you may not no
is most of the items being removed by clearlag is mellons. So its safe to assume that the mellon farms by Spawn is what’s causing the items lag with its over
producing of mellons and the hoppers not being able to get all the mellon fast enough.In combat of this if indeed the mellon farms are causing the lag i feel a sense of responsibility to help fix this sense i was the one who came up with this
design of mellon farm and the first to bring it to spawn as well.At first i didn’t aspect everyone to copy me so when the first person to do so did so there was no stopping it more and more people started making these
huge mellon towers by spawn so much so its now causing item lag. Now some people i wont mention but you no who you are have more than what you need
now i myself have 3 towers built into 1 giant tower some people have like 8+ of them.So i have made a modification to my original design to not only help item lag but also hopper clogging. What causes clogging is there are to Manny mellons
for the hoppers at the bottom to handle so it takes to long and that’s what causes item lag a built up number of mellon slices floating around.So in order to fix this you need to add more hoppers. On single player i have sliced a tower in half to show you the before and after of what i did.
As you can see with the after picture 30 blocks up i have added another layer of hoppers to help combat with all the mellons. This new system of collection
should fix the problem. I personally have not implemented this new system yet
but my friend Xavier3479 has done so he told me it had greatly helped with clogging and almost none of his mellons are removed with clearlag
so it is proof that this system works.If you do not understand what’s going on i will explain.
Sense there are more hoppers to collect the mellons there is less free time for the mellons to be floating on the ground reducing item lag.Now this is just my suggestion but i would add hoppers every 30 blocks you can prob get away with 40-50 blocks up but i suggest 30.
Now the second problem is like i said earlier the excess of towers some people have is way to much there are far to Manny by spawn.
But i hope this system will fix this problem so we may keep our farms but if there is still some lag after words some of you may have to reduce the number
of towers you have and some may have to remove them all together i hope it does not come to that.So in order for this to get its best chance everyone who has a mellon tower by spawn needs to implement this new system.
If all goes well we might not need clearlag anymore or at least increase time in between clearing of items atm its configured to be at 10 minutes mabey 30 minutes be better If this works well.
I hope the mods and born are patient with this i also hope that 1.7.2 fixes some of the item lag with better coding.
If you have questions or you agree to this please post it down bellow
and pleas no fighting with each other thank you.I did use the system primus. It indead has greatly helped with the waste rate. Almost no melons if any get stuck.
Lol primus u talk of this like its a naval battle… And yeah thats a good idea
Fricken genius
well i dont post much but when i do i mean buisness
the only bad part about this is you have to use alote of hoppers but i asume the people who have a farm by spawn have the money to make a bunch
I think thats true
Thx primus I am going to put this in my farms.
Genius, thanks primus 😀
If ur a money saver like me, you can put a chest inbetween each hopper to save some money.
Wither why so serious
true you can also turn magnet on the chest its a little faster than hoppers are so if you want you can do that to
it seams some people who have tried this saying there having problems
if you are try the hopper/magnet chest chain this should work better
THAT was long im gonna do what you said primus thanks
I used magnet chest. thers no limit unless the chest is full. It just absorbs whatever is near it
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