It’s been a while
Tagged: #Factions #Memories
This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Ali 5 years ago.
Dear .. family
Guys I know I’m sooo late it’s been like 5 years since the server got shutdown . Anways guys if you forgot me, I’m Montaser I was the most annoying player on this server and the Most hated ..I remember being on the wall of shame once😅. I got banned several times and unbanned tons of times. One day I made a new account named Furious_Blue like my brothers account (Furious_Green) he insisted on me to name my acc that way. he gave me a final chance not to spam or scam, do glitches. I promised him up and down not to f#%^ up anymore at this moment. I became friendly more social in-game and in real life I remember everytime I get back from school the first thing I did when I got back home was playin Minecraft. I didn’t know the feeling of being lonely or sad .. Just joy. Well to be honest I felt lots of emotions throughout my journey through this server anger,happiness,revenge.emptiness
I remember being a co-leader in our faction named (Fury Rivals) I remember everytime we got raided I got pissed that it took days to make the base yet they ruin everything in under 5 mins I didn’t Have op sword with sharpness 5 on it to defend it. I felt empty this song suddenly starts playing while raining in-game C418 – Sweden dun dun dun… dun I may sound stupid but this hits me hard everytime I hear it this gives me hope to rebuild the base which we did lots of times we didn’t gave up. i made lots of friends i laughed a lot .. and cried a lot. I miss the events that mods and head mods used to do every week.guys I really miss ya all everyone of you were part of my childhood..memories.I don’t know how I came up with this idea of checking this server out. I was overthinking I ended up remembering something that was part of me that was forgotten and buried inside my mind somehow I remembered everything. Man this game has a special place inside my heart. I miss being happy like I used to .. now I’m depressed .. an introvert also socially awkward.
Life was easier back then . Anyways sorry for the drama I wanna thank everyone without you none of this would’ve happened anyways guys… like they say
Don’t cry because it’s over.. smile because it happened.Special mentions:
Furious_green(my brother)
Lambros(his name was so weird I forgot how it’s spelled)
Crazy1sks(idk how’s it’s spelled either)
Dice roll?
There are tons more I just don’t remember everyone .. thanks everyone for making my childhood epic .. Epic gamer moment😎Yours sincerely
-Montaser Kanan
ahh FuryRivals.. the enemy of my faction that I can’t remember its name. It’s the faction that has a lot of mods in it ( I was a mod, I think I used ZeBlitzKiller) Anyway, it’s good hearing about you guys again. We kinda have the same thing going on where after I quit Minecraft and EC shut down, it felt like I got nothing to do expect waiting for time passing by.
Ah, I remember you and Green. (I’m AnderZENZ). It’s kinda crazy, most of my friends from EC are all through college, in their mid-twenties, and living life, but I was so young back then that I’m still only 16 lol. EC was my freaking life in 2014-2015, and it’s crazy because I wasn’t even part of EC in its hayday. I joined on the tail end of the glory days in 2014, when I would literally sit in the lobby for a half hour spamming the sign waiting for a spot to open lol. It’s crazy that this June 8th will mark 6 years since I joined EC… Alas, those days are lost to the echoes of time, and all my friends as well. I’ll probably never again speak to SevenFootMonst3r, Sydhead, Dicedead, ChillzKillz99, RiverRunner600, jjpirate, takoballball (Ah yes, my sworn enemy across all servers ;)), Breezayy, and many more I’m forgetting. But the memories of EC are something I’ll forever cherish. It’s a shame it had to end, but it was great while it lasted
This reply was modified 5 years ago by
Yoooooo i remember you. How’s everything going? And more importantly, how’s your brother? Its been ages
This reply was modified 5 years ago by
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