It's time for me to apologize.


Home Forums Factions General Discussion It's time for me to apologize.

This topic contains 15 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  zayed7 10 years ago.

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    MaxminoS is Right and u do not have to apologize on anything its his fault, no one is different than other in the server mod or a player they are all the same when a normal member get a little mistake get warn a big one …. like using hacks …. banned same as mods …. mods have there own rules like a member have, example : like mods swearing on a member aint normal he dose not get a warn … cuz he have his own rules so u do the crime u do the time anything bad u do gonna turn to a consequences back to u …. respect players everyone well respect u ;D EVEN IF YOUR POOR they well still Make u popular … or A mod… etc u just have to follow rules respect others And Do Not Stop When u See Someone Doing a Wrong Thing ( Mod / player )

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