It's time to react
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This topic contains 13 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by 2Federal 10 years, 3 months ago.
As the title says,It’s time to react
I joined EC 1 year ago..At that time it had 300+ People /455 Online
Those were good days :”DBut as you see,theses months,People are not playing in EC now
We dont have much members as before despite we got more Server[PR and Facs].Yet,we are not getting the amount of members requiredSo I would like all players of EC to help us/suggest us to advertise EC and #BringBackOldEC
It will be great to see EC Servers FULL again like the old times
So please,Contribute by helping us to advertise EC
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Idea:In Game Name: Waveware
Idea: EC is not dead, or even close to it, this is when everything dies down a bit for an entire 3 months because of Exams, people will come back in Summer. Do not worry. It’s not possible to get 300/455 last year. There were only 4 servers back then, SUrvival, Creative, Minigames and SuperSmash, at the peek of the day. Survival topped 40 people, Creative 20 people, minigames 50 people, Supersmash 20. 2 years ago was even better #ECVET2012In Game Name: igra2002
Idea: everyone who has a channel advertise this server on a vid doesnt matter if you are starting do the vid it will help, and try telling all your friends of school and stuff…btw wave your wrong even if it was summer people wont come it will stay until 130 or less i know because i was in this server when summer happened
#bring non-buggy minigames back
I am going to make a youtube channel in april after my board exams. I was thinking of advertising ec in all of my videos. And yeah wave is right. Its exam season, not winter 😛
Name: BananaKing105
Idea: well, I’m gonna make new videos like the ones you use to advertise on websites, and usually on server lists, they have a .gif, I’m going to attempt to remake an updated one of those also. This will al happen in early January of 2015
Name: DarkKnightz17
Idea: first of all, Of course we ourselves should do our best to improve the server, members can give their ideas to improve the server and the mods will work on it if the idea is good. Then we can advertise it slowly via youtube and/or minecraft server list sites (like planetmc). So people will get attracted and join the server, and of course we should make them feel comfortable to play here so that they will stay, again it depends on us. And secondly, from what I see, in 2012 we have much better hub than the current one. For me, hub is quiet important since its what all new players will see when they join the server, so it will affect most people expectation about the whole server. So.. Maybe we can help by building a new, bigger hub in single player or private server, upload the world, and post it on forum or send the link to born/Xav. Also, some contest events maybe can attract more people to help us either to advertise the server or build something for the server like the new hub. So overall, it come back to ourselves, just do our best what we can do for the server, even little things like our attitudes will affect it.You realize its November? Start of the school year for most. I don’t know which part of the world you live in but whatever goes on there with school year times whatever. The point is, its the start of a school year. People are busy. Minecraft < Education <— If you guys are smart that is. I get it feels the server is desolate but at the same time its cause its the beginning of school. It was like this when I logged back in in late 2013. Same now, school is happening and its hectic. I’m nearly graduating and even I have problems getting on at times so honestly man, I’d appreciate you stop with these EC is dying posts. EC isn’t even near dead. Thats like saying you’re 16 and life is over because you’re bored.
Well,I never said EC is dying,just low on members
I dont really know about others since its holidays for me
Im just asking ideas to advertise ECBUMP BUMP BUMP
SHARE MORE IDEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ign: AnderZENZ
Idea: I’ll make a post on minecraft forums later, explaining towns, factions, creative, minigames, survival, and the rules, and how the mods can easily ID hackers, which might reduce noob hackers.
Summer is where we don’t have enough slots and people complain more
Really still… its school time, yea we had like 300players+ like a FEW MONTHS AGO! but we do get no more then 160ppl+ a day so that’s not to bad. And MSN still is just saying that EC is getting low on players that’s all he just want to help the server get biger! not lower, now this is a good idea but its school time so ppl really don’t have time for playing minecraft at times, I have seen a lot of player even leave EC just because of school.
And dark this is why we needed a youtube rank now a few ppl do youtube for EC that’s good to see and hear.
Tako mods are working on MG it will come maybe in 2015 all we need is more mods for MG
Yes Wave is right when Summer comes that’s! when the ppl come back to the server and have some fun! its just school time right now, we’re lucky that we even get 160+players a day igra2002 Wave is 100% right about what he said good job sir!
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