ItsMinerOG's Ban Appeal


Home Forums Minigames Ban Appeal ItsMinerOG's Ban Appeal

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Nhu 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #29289 Score: 0


    Hey Eternalcracked staff.
    You might remember me, ItsMinerOG, being banned for spamming. Listen. I regret it all. None of what i was typing was offending, racist, or had to do with advertising. what i was typing was all FOR THE LAWLS.
    So i hope u can find it in yourself to unban me. But seriously, its your decision. I hope ill be allowed to see you guys and RDmines145 and my other friends on eternalcracked. Have a good day, or night, or whatever time your reading this. See you later.

    (I hope)


    #29291 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I think you should be unbanned, spamming isn’t a very good reason for banishment.

    Hope to see you in the server.

    #29313 Score: 0


    If you spam FOR THE LAWLS, that means your immature ATM and might do it again. It matters on what the mods and the community think….

    #29314 Score: 0


    I think that he should be unbanned. I agree with Max. Spamming isn’t a great reason to be banned. I think he should be tagged spammer(like lurer, scammer) so mods can deal more severely with him if he does anything else.

    #29319 Score: 0


    Mods will have the final decision on this.

    #29458 Score: 0


    Its the staff’s decision, i really have no say in it. Ill take the punishment caused by my spamming. I just want to join the arenas again. I miss my hunger games friends. RdMines145. Wolfattax, alexmini, Clevergem. :(
    (Sorry for being so sentimental)

    #29559 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    Appeal accepted.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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