IVI4ST3R 2/27/12-7/28/13


Home Forums Survival General discussion IVI4ST3R 2/27/12-7/28/13

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  ReconStrikeDelta 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #27801 Score: 0


    Today IVI4ST3R decided to depart from the server, as i know he did not leave with the most honorable departure, he still will be missed, this is for you to write all the good things about him. He will be missed.

    #27805 Score: 0


    He quit the server? That’s a Shame. He was a great guy. He had fun with most of the other players and is very cheerful at most times. I thought he is mature and could be one of the mods next time but unfortunately, he made a mod application (which was supposed to be closed) and he quit te server. I wish him well.

    #27812 Score: 0


    So thats why he quit zev?…I see

    #27813 Score: 0


    So because his mod app was closed, he left the server? I don’t think that is a great way to leave but whatever. I didn’t know him at all so IDK what to say…..

    #27815 Score: 0


    Well the first time I met him I was selling him pro 4 he was honest but I don’t really trust people when I’m selling because they want to see the durability of the armor when I told them like 50 times XD After that I haven’t really seen him that much either it’s that or I don’t pay attention to who is online He sounded like a great guy but its a shame that he left the server without saying goodbye to me :)

    #27819 Score: 0


    Didn’t know him either blaze but he seemed fine.

    #27823 Score: 0

    2 pts

    I always thought his name was ivi 4 ster, it wasn’t until i saw his name on the forums just now that he was going for MASTER in 1337 speak, doesn’t really work in game.

    That’s all I know about the guy, quitting cause he wasn’t made a mod? Weaksauce!

    #27824 Score: 0


    I agree ADCK, if you quit because you didn’t get mod thats a really pathetic reason to leave a server, however I don’t know the full story of why he quit since he could have another reason to so yea.

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