IzzyOVO1388 banned without given a reason


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal IzzyOVO1388 banned without given a reason

This topic contains 17 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Toblerone007 11 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #17008 Score: 0

    Joey (jminer96)

    Izzyovo1388 are you trying to start a argument with me? First of all don’t call me an idiot because I know what I’m saying 99% of the time and also I haven’t been banned in my whole life so really who’s the idiot here? I don’t mean to get this angry but I’m just trying to help im not trying to start a argument but some advice, stop lying if we know you have x-ray then don’t tell us you don’t use it because pigs just said that there’s proof that you were CAUGHT x-rating. No offense

    -jminer96 (aka joey)

    #17009 Score: 0


    Joey She/He admitted to xray pretty damn quick


    #17016 Score: 0


    Enough. izzy, you are a clear suspect of xray, we have proof of you admitting it even. You must fairly take your consequences like any other player. I dont want to hear any more of this. Case Closed.


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