Jaansher's Factions Mod app.


Home Forums Factions Mod Applications Jaansher's Factions Mod app.

This topic contains 7 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  maxminoS 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #80488 Score: 0


    ING: Jaansher786

    Experience: Well, just before EC like a year ago i used to play on a server that was Factions nothing else. I was one of the daily players that helped out a lot and had one of the biggest facs. The server has sadly shut down due to fund for the server to carry on. I did start of as a member and as time passed became a Trial mod. I was to be allowed to take care of the naughty little spammers and caps and ect. i was only trial mod there for like 2 weeks until the server had shut down. all those moments meant so much to me and i really want them back, helping out participating in fixing the server when it had been damaged and just staying online quite alot. i used to catch alot of hackers back then and really do so want the busted in facs as most of the people there like to spam when they see no mod is online.

    How long do you play: I play 5-6 hours on weekends School days: 3-4 hours.

    Why should you be picked: I want to be picked so i can stop all those whom think its alright to spam and those cheeky hackers along with duplicators

    Hope you enjoyed reading this.

    From the heart -Jaansher786

    #80492 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Vote up
    -Has caught a lot of hackers
    -active on forums

    SEE YA!

    #80495 Score: 0


    Vote Up

    ~ First is Helpful
    ~ Second is Friendly
    ~ Third Is Active In-game/In-forums
    ~ Fourth is Great Mod App.
    ~ Fifth is Caught many hackers in the Server.

    Good Luck,

    #80497 Score: 0


    Vote up

    A. Ive seen in you in Prison only cause i dont go in factions, but ure helpful.
    B. ur friendly.
    C. U follow the rules
    D. You are active
    E. good player
    F. Good reasons in forum, and good forum itself

    Good luck:)

    By your good friend own7ge..

    #80584 Score: 0


    Vote up

    -Nice Experience
    -Good player

    Good luck:)


    #80602 Score: 0


    Vote Up: Agree with Chambawamba

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  subhan.
    #80605 Score: 0


    Vote Up




    -Caught A lot Of Hackers

    #80607 Score: 0

    7 pts

    To remind you, this is your second attempt to be a moderator in Factions. Please only make another mod app in 6 months, it will be your last attempt.

    -Does not report hackers on Factions, but on Survival.
    -Has been banned before: http://eternalcraft.com/forums/topic/my-factions-ban-appeal/

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  maxminoS.
Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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