Jaansher's Factions Moderator application.


Home Forums Factions Mod Applications Jaansher's Factions Moderator application.


This topic contains 17 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #83113 Score: 0


    I have got the news from WitherPlayMc that i was to be able to make my application again in another month so i’m back this moderator is VALID

    ING: Jaaansher786

    Experience: Well, if we go back 1-2 years ago i used to play on a server that has sadly closed down because of the funds for the server. It used to be a factions server One of the 2 biggest factions was mine (HawksCity, which i’ve made into a town in SV) and Venom. I was always in a helping mood to the server when ever i got the chance to help i would help! Like 7 Months later after being well experienced in that server i made a moderator application. As time passed it was accepted. So that was me, Trial Mod. Those 2-4 weeks were great and i was always helping to catch hackers and spammers Ect. Then the server ended dramatically.

    How Many Hours are You Online?: On school days i’m online for 4-5 hours. On weekends Im online for 6-7 hours.

    Why would you like to become mod: I would like to become moderator because I have a lot of experience in factions and even in the EC factions server as i was one of the first people to play it. I would also like to become moderator because i want people to know that doing wrong could make you end up banned for the spammers hackers caps ect. I would like the factions atmosphere safe from those wrong doers. I would like to help out of projects such as helping to build like public places.

    Have Fun Voting – Jaansher786

    #83116 Score: 0


    Vote: Middle up
    Pros: experienced, never saw him getting kicked/banned/muted, don’t see him swearing, has a normal sense of humor, he doesn’t expresses his anger (especially when his base got raided), always helps, trustworthy, and usually online on forums (don’t forget at least 2 hours in game).
    Con: Short mod app. A little longer would’ve been better.
    Bottom line, u will make a fine mod.
    Gl with the mod app

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by  ChillzKillz99.
    #83119 Score: 0

    5 pts

    If I’m correct you were banned for xray once weren’t u?

    #83121 Score: 0


    I think that was in prison

    #83128 Score: 0

    5 pts
    #83141 Score: 0

    12 pts

    now if im right you made a new mod app like 3weeks ago you know you only can make a mod app eveny 3months/90days so my vote is down

    -not so active on the forums

    -you have been baned befor on faction

    -mod app kinda poor

    -you have not waited your 3months/90days

    #83142 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Ok jaan i know im your friend but this is the truth, you cant make another mod app again you have to wait 6 months i dont remeber where i read it i think it was rules, if wither tells you that you just need to wait 1 month the rules have been updated or he doesnt know you have to wait 6 months to make another mod app

    Peace out

    #83144 Score: 0


    Well You got banned for xray ..So
    Vote Down :/

    #83146 Score: 0

    5 pts

    @tavon1924 if u don’t know the rules, keep quiet. U can make a mod app every 2 months not every 3.

    #83156 Score: 0

    14 pts

    There was a lot of mistakes in this mod application.

    I told Jaan that it was one month, but wasn’t exact.

    We have confirmed that you can make 3 mod apps and a mod app after 2 month.

    This is one okay, sorry for the inconvenience.

    #83273 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Vote middle up
    -Has experience
    -Kinda active on both forums and in game
    -He never rages at someone he keeps calm
    -Never has say a trash word (at least in minecraft)
    -Have been banned before :(

    #83280 Score: 0


    Vote Up
    -Great mod app
    -Nice guy
    -Very active
    -Mod in the other server we used play on (Good days :P)

    Good luck

    #83283 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Let me think Jaan, I dunno my vote yet 😛

    #83286 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Vote UP

    -Has been banned before but I think Jaan has learn his lesson
    -Never ever seen him rage
    -Good Mod application

    #83718 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Ok now its time to vote for jaan’s mod app since in my before reply i said i was not gonna vote yet, now its time

    Vote up
    -Has been banned before but im pretty sure he has learned what is good and bad
    -Never see him raging


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