Jelly_Donuts Ban Appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Jelly_Donuts Ban Appeal

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  skills641 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #72886 Score: 0


    My name is Jelly_Donut . I have been banned for dupe . I am banned of the survival server . The person who i believe banned me was Xavier3479 . I should be un-banned because i didnt dupe / if i did i didnt notice . I was just making my shop and removing the scss that had no more items in stock and then re filled them with the diamonds at ./warp dshop , Thes suspicaously low price was to advert my store so that it would be popular and make back that money later based off of popularity because of the event / opening i had done that day. I did not dupe and if i did i didnt notice . Ill show you what may have been happening with this so called dupping But for all i know i never duped at all . I was inj sincere shock of ban and it must have been a mistake and hope you accept this honest and very mindful ban appeal as i just donated the day i got banned :/ . Thats my appeal i hope you accept it and hope to join you back on the server shortly ~ Jelly_Donut

    #72889 Score: 0

    16 pts

    How did you do all that fancy box text XD?

    #72892 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Clearly you knew what was happening when you were selling thousands of it at a cheap price, then you try to remove the evidence. Not only that, you did it twice.

    i didnt dupe / if i did i didnt notice

    What was your first clue, selling over 5k diamonds? If you “didn’t notice,” normal player inventory can’t hold that high.


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