jellyman45`s Moderator Application


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications jellyman45`s Moderator Application

This topic contains 20 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Artoriel 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #114065 Score: 0


    In-game names used?: Jelly_Donut, jellyman45.

    How old are you?: 12 turning 13 soon.

    In what country do you live in, and what timezone: I live in Canada and i`m in Eastern timezone [ 10:45 EDT ]

    How long have you played mine craft?: I started playing minecraft 2010 so five years and a half.

    Do you have any previous experience in moderating?: Yes. I have been Admin on a server that went big then was hacked. As well as me building in EC prison currently [Don`t know if this counts].

    Have you even been punished in Eternal craft before?: Yes, i was once banned on survival for abusing a exploit. I was un-banned and reset to negative 1 million $. Also banned for supposedly hacking but then got un banned without apeal because i was not banned for a legitimate reason.

    The Server you are applying for: Prison

    How often are you Online in Prison?: I`m on around 2-4 hours a day. Sometimes there are and will be exceptions to doing activities outside of video games.

    Why do you want to become Moderator?: I want to become a moderator so I can help EC in other ways then fixing small holes in a mine or reporting bugs to Banana. As you may know banana is a close relative of mine so this also encourages me to become a moderator. Everyday i come on the server and go to warp mods hoping that one day i`ll be there with him. On a serious note though, being able to help this server with many others ways in the future will be a pleasure if given the opportunity. Thank you and have a good day Chaps!

    #114067 Score: 0


    Bump! :c:

    #114080 Score: 0

    4 pts

    Vote Middle
    -I’m not sure if you really where in a big server as a moderator.(Maybe I’m wrong)
    -Sometimes don’t look at the chat

    Have luck bro 😀
    [My vote can change if you can prove the server was real, I will need an IP, screenshot or just vid.]

    #114089 Score: 0


    Sorry about the dont look in chat thing . Chances are im really focused on something lol. Something that takes alot of concentration.

    #114091 Score: 0



    +Active in-game kinda
    +Active on forums kinda
    +Friendly to friends


    -“Why do you want to become a moderator” Idk I see no reason there it’s kinda weak in my oppinion. You can fix holes by placing blocks since you are a builder. +Reporting bugs to Banana since he’s your relative it’s probably easy to communicate.
    -Haven’t seen helping
    -Sometimes replies in a bad manner
    -Like what guille said you don’t pay attention the chat much and a trial should keep the chat safe.

    If I see you fixing the above I will change my vote. But for now it’s a vote middle possible down.

    #114115 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Not really sure, not that long ago, you killed me recklessly when you were builder, using /slay ._.

    #114117 Score: 0


    ANder isnt that abuse?

    #114118 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Builder is only a temporary rank, not an official mod rank, so not really.

    #114120 Score: 0


    Wut he abused the power given to him that is abuse dosent matter if its not an official rank does it?

    #114124 Score: 0

    14 pts

    I wonder….

    #114140 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Vote middle down
    +fairly active
    +fairly mature
    +old player
    -inactive on forums
    -fairly immature as well
    -doesnt help out
    -doesnt report
    -not much detail is put in “why should we pick you as mod”
    -reasons stated can pretty much be done as a member

    Votes can change at anytime also do not be discouraged by my vote, use it to improve in the future :)

    #114144 Score: 0


    I would just like to know what you mean by immature so i can improve on this. Thanks

    #114145 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Weren’t you banned from survival before?

    If it was another username, I apologize in advance.

    #114147 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I’m not sure, all Bree did was demote him. He then ragequit, then he comes back and makes this.

    #114151 Score: 0


    Wither about you saying that i got banned. I stated that i was banned twice from survival one where i had to make no appeal. Maybe this is what you are talking about? 😛

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 21 total)

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