Jelvenom tp-kill


Home Forums Survival Player Reports Jelvenom tp-kill

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Rogue_Art 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #104174 Score: 0


    IGM : propro
    Rule Offender : Jelvenom
    Date Of Offense : 22/04/2015
    Reason : this guy tried to tpkill me but failed cause i wait until a few minute and i can fly
    Details : this guy spam tpahere to me. here is the proof :
    Another Evidence of his trap :

    I hope that this guy got punished as soon as possible because its quite annoying if some new player accept his tpahere request and quit the server because of this type of player. thanks for attenion 😀

    #104175 Score: 0


    From what i see, this is a case of random tp. Random TP kills are allowed and there is a warning in the announcement. Players who die due to this kind of practice are not given a refund.
    The guy who made the trap or is doing it are not punished as this is not a case of luring where a service or item is used to attract the player from accepting the teleport. Example, “Accept teleport and i’ll give you diamonds”

    If the teleporting prompt is annoying, you can use /tptoggle or if you do want to accept tps from your friends, you can do /ignore (Spamming player in-game name) and you will not see the spams while still being able to see tp request from your friends

    -Its been a while since i’m on survival but i believe this system still remains.

    #104202 Score: 0

    No, tako it is not allowed now, TPKILL = Punishment by mods

    #104203 Score: 0

    1 pt

    In survival luring and scamming isnt allowed

    Ban him ;D

    Yey everyone is happy

    #104285 Score: 0

    13 pts

    How is tp-killing still a thing?

    #104538 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Has been banned for hacks. Will be tagged.

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