

Home Forums Survival Player Reports Jeremias

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  mrawsome25 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #108974 Score: 0


    Report Jeremias

    #108975 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Why won’t you listen? You need proof that he did something, use the report template, and stop ignoring what we said. You put in even less effort this time..

    #108998 Score: 0

    12 pts

    @AnderZENZ, I think he doesn’t understand how the Forums fully works. And it’s our job to show him how. :)

    Hello there Rodrigo_Gamer1804, I see you don’t understand how Reporting works.
    First you get Proof of this Player. By opening up Main chat and hit F2. Then go into your .minecraft and take the proof out of it and put it somewhere on your PC. Then go to and upload the Pic there and get the link and put it here.

    Hope this helps 😀

    #109603 Score: 0


    ok losiento you did not understand but you and please let me know how to make it Baneen sooner as estoaba with juanmaniatico in warp ph and was and has antinockback and kill aura ( Jeremiah) , pinguinoe ( using kill aura ) jaquim99 ( using kill aura) , please send it to the admins would appreciate it a lot because such degente should not be in this servideos of which if they know playing pvp and survival Please note that these people are banned since frowned leaves the server.

    #109618 Score: 0


    murilo got some proof 😀

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