jmillz11’s builder application


Home Forums Prison Builder Application jmillz11’s builder application

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Beijimon 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #130556 Score: 0

    2 pts

    wazupp guys!?!

    In-Game Name (mention your alts as well):jmillz11, jmillz_11, cookie_monst3r
    Experience (all your experiences in EC, Prison Server, and moderating, do not advertise any server IPs!): as you all know i am a guardian mod in Prison, so i do know all of my stuff (world edit/world guard) and i did take part in rebuilding prison back in march whenever whatever happend happend, so yah
    How long are you online daily (Average Time in hours):2-5 hours a day depending on how much homework i have or if i work it will only be 2 or sometimes if i work and im just exhausted i dont even come on but that only happens sometimes
    What type of builds do you do? (Medieval, modern, etc):modern, altho i will try my hardest to build whatever you ask
    why do you want to be a Builder (Your motivation and what makes you special so we should accept you):As a moderator my job is to make the server a better place, better builds = better place, my motivation is to make players happy and making the whole server just a better place.
    Your Promise and Commitment (if you’re accepted, what do you promise us): I promise to try my hardest, im not the greatest builder but i can definetly get a building job done, and if its something i would be interested in i get it done quicker and it looks better.
    Pictures of your work in the DEFAULT texture pack (use any photo sharing program):

    /warp c (in game, go see it now!)

    /warp i (in game, go see it now!)

    ever thought you were famous? was your name on a big screen tv? 😮

    i can even build puzzles 😮

    and pumpkins (its a hidden talent ik)
    i even carved it myself

    *please note:*
    the second half of the pictures are justjokes please do not take the seriously.

    anyway i hope you consider me to be on your builder team beij bb <3

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by  cookie_monst3r.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by  Beijimon.
    #130557 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Vote up

    Good builds
    Cool in rough situations
    Cos millz het me
    Cos millz gud builder

    #130565 Score: 0

    4 pts


    Check skype for more details.

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