Jmillz11's Prison Mod Application


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications Jmillz11's Prison Mod Application


This topic contains 15 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  FuriousKnight 10 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)
  • Author
  • #93786 Score: 0

    2 pts

    In-game names used: jmillz11, cookie_monst3r, cookie_monst3r1, cookieplaysmc.
    Experience: I’ve been playing the server in whole since February 24, 2013, so a month away from two years. I first played prison the first week prison actually came out on EC. I played it for maybe 2 weeks and only got to B, then stopped playing. But about a month ago i decided to start playing on the prison server again. Since then I’ve gotten to Rank H. Also since I’ve been back, I’ve learned how to play prison more in depth, using crack shot. I have as well been donor for a couple months before on my old cracked username, “cookie_monst3r” and now a donor on my premium account “jmillz11”.
    The Server you are applying for: Prison
    How Often you are Online: I come on usually for a good 2 hours on the weekday, unless i have basketball, i may only be on for an hour, but basketball is almost over. On the weekends i play basically all day.
    Why you want to become mod: In the month that I have been here I have realized that the mod number in Prison has gone down, greatly. Only 1 trial mod, own7ge, and one expertmod, xzero_strike, which btw they have been doing an awesome job. I would like to become a mod to help out the mod team. Enforcing rules is very difficult when you only have 5 mods and 2 headmod/admins. I would also like to become a mod because i like to help. Now i know wanting to help people is not a reason to become a mod, I can help people while i am not a mod, which i will continue to help people. But it would be allot easier to help people who need help if they see a light-green or dark-green name, because that will indicate that there is a mod, and that they are there to help them.
    Thanks and I Appreciate the votes on this application, vote up or vote down!

    #93787 Score: 0

    1 pt

    VOTE UP!
    -online in-game
    +Be more active in forums
    -Don’t rage a lot
    -Would make a good mod for team as there are lack of trial and expert mods
    Overall I think you would make a fine mod.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by  InfectedEnder.
    #93789 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Vote Middle-up

    – Was pretty inactive until now

    – Not active in forums from what I see

    – Only got ranks from the cheaty way, /kit event xD

    + Friendly

    + Helpful

    + Active, see him every day

    + Experienced

    + yeah, just those 2 things I see as stumbling blocks.

    #93793 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Hey thanks for the votes guys! Ander I have been “semi-inactive” on the forums and I will try my hardest to come on the forums as much as Possible. And ender, I do rage allot (especially when it comes to sports xD), but atleast im at the stage of realizing that I do get mad very easily. Recently I feel like I have controlled that, to an extent. Thanks again for the votes!

    #93796 Score: 0


    vote up
    he is very helpful. he is nice in chat and he has a lot of experience in minecraft

    #93801 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Vote up
    -Inactive on the forums
    -Ruges a lot on players or him self time to time.
    +Active in game
    +Nice guy
    But one thing I have to say is that you maybe need to be here more then one month I’m just saying.

    #93812 Score: 0


    Vote up

    #93815 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Vote up!
    Very helpful, you’ve shown me the way to OP shop twice, and told me some commands in prison.
    Active, I see you on at least one hour every day.
    Experienced, you’ve been on this server for a while now.
    Never seen you be mean to someone.
    Fluent in English
    Knows most (if not all) the commands of prison (he also knows most of them in other server branches).

    #93818 Score: 0


    Vote Middle?

    -Don’t see you online that much

    -Can be a bit agressive

    #93867 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Hey thanks for the votes guys! I will be sure to work on the negative feedback, and continue to do even better on the positive feedback!

    #93869 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Dude really can you stop spaming the forums with ” Thank you guys for you’r votes I will try and fix my self soon ” If you want to fix your self then stop spaming the forums.

    #93872 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Tavon, he isnt spamming .-. he said it twice and there was 5 replies in between. He is aloud to say thank you. I dont see any problem here, exxcept you creating this reply. 😛

    And now i will vote…..

    im gonna have to vote middle-up

    +active in game, somewhat on forums….

    +helps people when in need

    -can get angry at times….. (mods need to be cool headed and be able to control them selves in many situations)

    -You havent been on prison very long, a month or so (i think). Maybe take a bit more time, learn some more stuff. Become an EXPERT at knowing commands and rules and such.

    Improve on those things, and m8 its a vote up from me.


    #94011 Score: 0

    2 pts

    no comments in almost a day so:
    Bump 😛

    #94472 Score: 0

    1 pt

    No comments so helping millz bump :)

    #94475 Score: 0


    Vote Up 😀

    Reason :

    +Active in-game


    +Good English

    +Good Reasons

    Good Luck millz 😀

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