jminer96 (joey) is leaving ec :'(


Home Forums Survival General discussion jminer96 (joey) is leaving ec :'(

This topic contains 15 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  valksoar 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #22780 Score: 0

    Joey (jminer96)

    Hey people of ec this may be my last message in these forums and ec’s server. My quest for becoming mod on ec was not fulfilled unfortunately . I have gotten mod on another server and I have been very busy. I also know I’ll never get mod on the famous ec cause really the lack in seeing my mod app has been telling me that you don’t need me . I will be dropping all of my belongings at spawn at some time and selling my plots and giving My money away to a friend . I’m very upset it has came to this :'(

    #22782 Score: 0


    Wow. Are you seriously leaving  just beacause you didnt get mod?

    #22783 Score: 0

    Joey (jminer96)

    No I’m busy and I’m bored

    #22785 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Looks like the mod team were right in not hiring you then, if this is your attitude.
    Throwing a tantrum about not getting the position and leaving due to boredom does not speak well for your integrity, not very professional is it?

    #22786 Score: 0

    Joey (jminer96)

    I don’t care

    #22787 Score: 0


    Yeah what adcknight said and Joey weren’t u a donor? I’d stay if I didn’t get mod and how are you bored?

    #22789 Score: 0

    Joey (jminer96)

    Wouldn’t you be a little upset if you tried your best to impress everyone and help a lot and wait over a half of a year and get treated like you weren’t even there?

    #22791 Score: 0


    A little but I wouldnt rage quit and how r u bored?

    #22792 Score: 0

    Joey (jminer96)

    I have nothing to do I am not a donor either btw I’m not rage quiting all I wanted to see was a simple nice bye not a , yeah you didn’t deserve a rank

    #22793 Score: 0


    I got mod….. In 5 months…… and lost it in 1 week…….. I’m still going to stay.

    #22794 Score: 0


    If you want to leave its really your own choice. People who say they will leave EC usually comes back. I didn’t get mod either but I’m staying.

    #22801 Score: 0


    Mod is like a trophy, you work your way up to earn that rank. In reality not everyone hit a home run or win a gold medal. What makes your a true champion is by getting back up even when you’ve lost, and by trying harder the next time around. Mod means that a lot of people liked you. That’s it. You don’t need a higher rank to have fun. (Mods plz don’t get mad at me for saying being a mod is no big deal.)

    #22802 Score: 0


    Joey, I understand if you want to leave, but if its because of the reason you didn’t get mod then that’s a really shitty reason to actually be leaving. I was on another server and forum before I f0und EC…I didn’t get moderator there and I still stayed for sometime. It pains me to say this but I left because after a while their management team were just complete assholes to me and it forced me into a corner. I’m pretty sure not receiving mod is just a little thing and the least of your worries here…and also I’ve felt what you’ve felt trying to impress but get shot down and much more like being talked behind my BACK on that other shit server by moderators and even marked as a hacker by others for a stupid fault.

    Anyways if you want to leave…I wish you the best of luck…but again if its for the reason of not getting moderator…that’s really pathetic excuse of leaving. Eternal cracked is a really good server.

    #22803 Score: 0


    I agree, eternalcracked is a good and popular server, its really hard to find another cracked server as good as eternal cracked

    #22882 Score: 0

    TheDayWalker On Mc

    I play now since 7 months and im not getting bored at all. I dont know you that good but still, i hope that ill see you in ec agai .

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