Just a


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This topic contains 12 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Levisor 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #101097 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I know i dont need to post this on forums, but now i feel like ander when tavon betrayed him, i got betrayed by jerome and mr_tito, im not sad or mad, but i just cant believe it mrtito told jerome to kill me so jerome killed me 2 times, then i killed tito, and the worst part is that my “best bruh” at least it was before dint help me “siver” ander i feel just like you, and guys dont write mean comments because im a cryer which im not, im just tryng to say everyone in your team can betray you, any time, anywhere, but really? your best friend?

    nunu factions is like this, but for the people who think they got a good friend, becarful

    now mr_tito will come saying chu noob igra2002, go ahead ._. u call me noob when i was the one betrayed and then i killed you

    Once again not tryng to post my problems on forums, just to teach you a lesson of factions,

    thx for reading ._.

    now im scared to post this since some people will still write mean comments

    #101101 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Factions = Drama/Politic

    #101102 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Chop some onions, let them all out.

    #101107 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Mr_Tito = Absolute bully, just saying.

    #101114 Score: 0


    Dude maybe siver didn’t have the time, u cant just put all the blame on him, btw dude I ur true friend we met in the beginning of factions where you allowed me to be apart of you and the other guy that sadly left. You can always count on me.

    -Jaanster Jaansher

    #101117 Score: 0

    20 pts

    btw who in hell put 350k into callabro?

    #101123 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Ander i know mrtito always insults but if i reported every insult then it will be a report for every 10 mins

    #101134 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Just put it like this
    Every man for them selfs! In Faction!

    #101147 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Tavon shush u got no friends because u tried to betray us all i even defend u when u were bullied and also, i was gonna give u dia armour but i confuse u with siver since u both were invis but the point is that still u tried to kill me with assasin dagger, you alwways say you are bulllied everyone hates me i have no friends bla bla bla but all of that is because of your own fault

    #101148 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Faction, is a place where you have teams or not. You have players trust, you don’t have it.

    And you say friends? I don’t care about friends anymore. All they do is be haters and get on your back for no reason at all. So i’ll be alone untill i find that someone who is a real friend. Not someone acts as a friend, back hits you in the back and run off.

    Yeah i had friends before when i was a nub and whom got warned weekly by mods.
    But those days are long gone.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by  2Federal.
    #101195 Score: 0


    So igra, who do you trust in Factions? Like you really trust him (And you know he will not betray you)

    I too have a very good friend in Factions but when I became mod, he suddenly stopped playing. I was really sad. This might be the same emotion you had with the betrayal right?

    “Ignore the haters” -SquirtleTriesMc(Trustable friend I have 😀 )
    PS: Tavon still has a friend and that’s me 😀

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by  Beast.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by  Beast.
    #101282 Score: 0


    Ehm. Igra your not still mad at me right … Bruhhhh. Tavon you don’t even know what friends are. I teamed with you and you start killing me for NO reason and I gave you more than one chance to say sorry but you didn’t and so you kept trying to kill me I don’t know why but in this case YOU BEFREINDED ME I was probably the only guy who was your actual friend but gg at least I can raid you know

    #101283 Score: 0


    Beast i’m not a trustable friend of yours…:(

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