Just a little heads up.


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This topic contains 22 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  megaseth 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #17243 Score: 0




    It has come to my attention regardless if I have no say that This server is dying out, come on people see it ! They need to expand, upgrade, and reform the rules and the server itself, The whole concept is getting old, people are being banned to be silenced, everyone knows where this is heading, Its ready to enter the Grave, join whocraft in the inferno !




    lets just say that Chebaroo donated 100 to EC for lifetime donor, and the staff and players always treated him like a crap, a kid they didnt know, and now hes been banned for a while, don’t you agree thats stealing, Tons of people have been banned fairly, I think MODS SHOULD PROVIDE PROOF, VIDEO PROOF, NOT JUST SCREENS, BECAUSE THEIR WORD ISNT ENOUGH TO SEAL THE DEAL OF SOMEONES FAITH AND THIS CALLS FOR ALL BANS TO BE RE ASSESED ON THE GROUNDS OF A CORRUPT STAFF (NOT INCLUDING BORN, CHIBI, MCROY, OR NHU)


    ive left the server for the bast 4 months because it dosent interest me anymore, if you can expand, and re brand the server to make it better and to keep it up to date with todays big servers, maybe more people will come online, donation packages lack items worth donating for, some staff is incompetent, time for change, ive seen other servers like EC grow from this point, and now they are up to 100 players a day.


    #17244 Score: 0


    A small little ‘heads up.’

    Is it really this necessary to ‘rebel against’ the server? I’m thinking along the lines of suggesting ideas in a more civil manner. From what I’ve seen in what you’ve said here, they ban people, and strip donors of their perms as they see fit, because we have rules. Regardless of whether or not they have paid for the server, rules still do matter, no matter how high of a rank one has. If they disobey the rules, they deserve what they get.

    And from my point, I can see that you are only voicing a small little portion of the voices in this community. By that, I mean that I don’t really identify the big deal by going against the server for corrupt and incompetent moderation.

    Despite my thoughts, if you’ve left the server for the past four months because it is unappealing, it shouldn’t concern you as of now if you have left the community because of it’s ‘unfitting structure.’ Born has worked really hard with all the staff to get this server to where it is now, I suggest you should consider re-thinking your little rebel plot, and if so, return with a more beneficial suggestion. The staff is completely considerate of the players, and treat the players with respect. Which I expect from them, now, and as long as they are a part of the community.


    Regards, Zee.

    #17245 Score: 0


    olvnique is unbanned wyi he was on not 2 long ago

    #17246 Score: 0


    I am Chibichuba and I disapprove of this message.

    #17247 Score: 0


    As valk said, olvnique is already unbanned. From the way I see it, if you look at your views of over a year ago, when you were in the ‘revolution’ with GTL, and now, they seem very similar, no? Also, you got banned for that, and here you are again, starting it up again. Who do you think you are?

    #17248 Score: 0


    Yeah, this is gonna get you banned for EVA. Congrats… 😛


    #17250 Score: 0


    You’re pathetic, I hope you get banned because the server has really nice people you LIAR.

    #17251 Score: 0


    Theres one part you left out shaman, yes the “revolucion” is not only similar, its based upon the same values as the first time, and another thing you missed is that this time I have nothing to come back for, everyone who Ive met along the way from the if you please the “whocraft era” is gone, we have all spread apart, either moving on to something worth it or quitting all together and my reason is that ive moved on to bigger and better things, I’ve become mod and awaiting promotion to Admin on  another server which contains more benefits not only for the staff, but for the player, that server started from nothing, now theres 200+ people online a day and donations are worth it and one time fee.  Zee… Oh zee we were such good friends, what happened? I guess the strand we would theoretically call friendship snapped…I did this because the first time around nobody listened to me, I had wonderful Idea, completely new ideas that many servers in that version were starting to build upon, EC is like Apple with the iPhone and the iOS, little by little progress, only changing it with a facade, when the root of the problem is the whole thing itself. I’m using phone logic because it seems appropriate to distinguish the major lapse between EC and servers of today. Samsung unlike apple has revolutionized the entire smartphone world and I wanted to help EC become that, I wanted to help EC expand to accomodate bigger things, re vamp the entire staff, rules, and change up the base of the server to interest more players, offer bigger and better things such as donator ranks, items for purchase, and bigger and more exciting events, not just fly weekends, etc. I had an arsenal of tactics that would have potentially boosted the servers fame and “borns paypal account”


    EternalCracked like it is in its current state, and what it looked like in the past year has only seen little reform. Big changes was a slight upgrade to the size, a few new maps, new staff, and new website features, as well as the addition of a creative / tekkit. But that isn’t enough for everyone, Its seems to me that while donations have increased, but nothing but server bills have been paid with it, find a better host and upgrade to a larger player slot and you can eventually see an influx of players if you promote the server with “bigger and exciting” things.

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    #17252 Score: 0


    As many of you should know, I have a recording programme for minecraft. I caught a few people disrespecting other players and have recorded it. I should not name who but I believe it is a small deal. In a case where any breaks the rules, you can ask me to tpa to you and ill record if I’m online. There, I can make video proof.

    #17255 Score: 0

    23 pts

    Look Ikillahz, I understand your point of view, once you have achieved everything in EternalCracked challenges it may become boring, and it is intended to be so. I dont want to add more stuff to EternalCracked Survival, I want to keep it as it is. I believe the gameplay is simple and fun and its a stepping stone for many players that come from playing single player. If we were to add more and more stuff we would complicate things and while many experienced players would enjoy all the new stuff, most newbies would be too confused to understand the gameplay. I decided to expand it in a different way and making new servers such as creative/skyblock or tekkit (which is closed), thus giving experienced players a new ground to try new challenges.

    We have come a long way thanks to the donations and now we have our own dedicated server running with SSDs and all the power of the machine is for us, we are not sharing resources with other servers as we did before with Minecraft hostings. This gives us a lot of benefits and opens up posibilities we didnt have before. Unfortunately none of the staff members are knowledgeable in managing all of this and I have to do this in baby steps in order to get this right and I have a job and a life and cant spend much time in-game and configs.

    I am sorry if we are not catching up to with other servers, but that’s not my priority, they can have 1000 slots and a million of plugins, as long as the EternalCracked is up and running and keeps its level of quality I am OK with it, we may add some things here and there, but survival wont change.

    On another note, the thing that makes EternalCracked stand against the rest of the cracked servers is that we care about the community and we dont wipe the map and the creations. If you notice, there are towns intact that are more than a year old, that was the most important thing for me when I was a player, I wanted my town and stuff to be there as long as I had money in the bank and knew the rules of the game.

    To be honest, I dont spend money from the donations, I dont charge for serving the community and I dont pay the mods, we are all working for free. At any given time I could resign and go on with my life. I have no problems in giving this server to someone mature that loves the community and can manage it as well as I am doing, but so far nobody has taken up the challenge and nobody has demonstrated interest in doing so. I hope my life dont get to a point where I have to abandon the server, I wish I could be here forever, but life happens and someday you may see someone else in charge hopefully doing better than me.

    I am so disappointed because for a while I believed in you and that you had changed, but seems to me that you are the same guy trying to lead people into a revolution without a cause. I am happy that you found another server that makes you happy, but you didnt have to spam here, that only proves that the real purpose of your post was just to advertise it.

    Unfortunately I am gonna have to ban you, not doing so would be disrespectful for the community.

    Good luck in your future adventures. I hope to never see you again.

    #17257 Score: 0


    Born just makes the most inspiring posts on the forums don’t chu think?

    #17258 Score: 0


    The only reason a good portion of the original players from whocraft left had NOTHING to do with the staff, it was the community that drove them off, the constant disrespect, deceit, lying, and overall bs the new community was driving towards pushed them all away. In my case, that drove me away for awhile, and I came back…and am now plagued by ISP issues connecting to the server (which is why I sort of had to temporarily resign until I fix this bs)

    As far as them stripping powers from donators, and banning them, Well…lets see….they abused those powers multiple times since they’ve had them…I’d say those bans/stripping of powers was much too long in coming, had staff done it, they would of been smacked down hard. When you donate, you accept a responsibility to act in favor of the server, and to be at least a civil rolemodel. Not a brat that uses his parents money to have powers over others, and abuse them.


    #17259 Score: 0


    Everyone might be mad at me for this but i do agree with ikillahz. I was planning on quiting the server as mod and member about 2 weeks ago, lucky Toblerone007 talked me out of it. The server has slowly begun to go corrupt, even me. Before i was a mod i offered to help people 24/7 and even when i first became mod but i no longer do that. neither do many other mods. I dont know how we can fix this but i believe we need to find a solution. I dont think the server will go down however i believe the players slowly will


    #17261 Score: 0


    Somewhat I agree between Born and Killah.
    The server has some people who are like what Nachtmare mentioned, abused powers. But even if they get banned, they will not be affected at all as there are many other servers but to new players when they hear this, they will be afraid and not join the server anymore and EC may slowly down. Players should try to stop spammers and those who are disrespectful. In my opinion, I do not help usually as even though I chide him in chat there’s nothing I can do. All players must not always depend on mods to solve problems, we must all work together to stop these people. EC is like a country full of betrayers on the loose. They attack easily and many of our members will be harmed or will quit and very little people would come and join our country. If anyone needs help, try to help unless they refuse. For the server corrupt, well I do not believe that EC is corrupt. EC is a community that needs to develop slowly as what born told us. We are not a server with many complex plugins, ours is simple for players to understand. Which means there will be many new players in the server. When they disobey rules we need to be a little more lenient if it is not too severe. Born, if Killah’s real intention was to encourage EC to improve, he may be doing us a good favor. I do not disagree with the fact that you ban him but I just want to let the mods know that I really care for this server. EC is for people to make friends and not enemies. Some ideas are that the mods should be online more and be more helpful and friendly and spot disrespectful players because then, players tend to be more vulgar and disrespectful to other players. This is why many original players have left. We can fix the spleef, add more HG arenas and add more games like Capture the flag etc.
    I hope you guys will listen to what I have to say.

    #17262 Score: 0

    Yolo #cutforeternalcracked

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