Just a little heads up.


Home Forums Survival General discussion Just a little heads up.

This topic contains 22 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  megaseth 9 years, 11 months ago.

Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)
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  • #17272 Score: 0


    I dont agree with iKillahaz

    #17273 Score: 0


    iKILLAHZ, there is a better way. I understand your point of view but antagonising the staff and server isn’t going to change anything to your favour. You disappoint me, you had your chances as a moderator, then you could have given ideas then. I too want to make a positive change to EC but it isn’t my decision ultimately.

    #17292 Score: 0


    /\ Sorry about that post. My acc got hacked by my cousin -.-

    #100555 Score: 0

    2 pts

    If EC is corrupt then I am corrupt
    Another late post because I didn’t have an account when I first join EC almost 3 years ago

    #103071 Score: 0


    Hi corrupt xD

    #103074 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Believe it or not, I do think that there are things we can improve. Despite the fact that he was banned, I am going to some simply things stated here in Factions [I’m only mod here].

    As we all know, Factions is having an update. Not only gameplay update, but I will also establish new rules. Also, I will force the current Faction Mod Team to have screenshot or video when banning/warning/muting someone[yes, this is where I got the idea which is currently already enforced]. Donors, I agree, donated not for the perks but for the server. If that’s not why people donated, then they need their brains re-attached.

    Mods will also be more careful in their judgments. They won’t be too strict, and people will experience the moderators’s changes. I will ‘poison’ their minds to be better role models, and able to be less tempered.

    Thus, these of what I stated are not fully implied yet, but hopefully will comfort the community better. If someone thinks that our mods lacks things after this update, feel free to contact me.

    I’ll take this post as a rough suggestion rather than criticising threat. Thanks for the suggestion.

    #103075 Score: 0


    This post is sooooo old

    #103083 Score: 0

    41 pts

    If it’s so old, don’t dig it up unless you have an actual purpose in doing so.

Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)

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