Keshan's Ban Appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Keshan's Ban Appeal

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Nhu 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #18095 Score: 0


    Hi EC! Not to long ago (3-26-13) I was Banned for “2nd Time X-ray”. This Incovinience for me happens because of 2 idiotic mess-ups. 1) I installed a modded client for Single player purposes,2) I left it installed, and left my computer unattended. My Little cousin was at my house, and him knowing that my password is the same for everything, was bored on my computer. He loves minecraft (like we all do) and wanted to play online.EC is my first priority and it was the first choice. He logged in. Long story short, He started to X-ray in ravine I found. If most of you know ME well, I suffered enough a while back. I chnged ever since that incident, I report all he bugs/glitches I know. If I get unbanned,I request that a mod privately changes my password, and Skype me the new one. Thank you, and hope to see you guys again!
    Skype: CheaterChet

    #18099 Score: 0


    Unban this Man!

    #18108 Score: 0


    I Agree with his unban. He is highly knowledgeable about server glitches and yes he did abuse them but i believe he would have learnt his lesson by now.



    #18119 Score: 0


    Vote up.

    Keshan is always contributing to the community by reporting glitches and bugs he knows about. Thus such actions should be forgiven as I believe that he is an honest man as seen from the first line I wrote. Keshan should definitely be unbanned.

    #18120 Score: 0


    yehh keshan is nice guy

    #18169 Score: 0


    Thanks All! Lets Get s’more votes and ill be back! Thanks again!

    #18170 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    I’ve recently found chests that belong to chu Keshan. Inside were the duped items that chu never told me about. They were opened recently so chu obviously were aware of them being here. Plus chu shouldn’t have let your bro knew your pass.

    Appeal Denied.

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