Kevin77555 calling me a noob.


Home Forums Survival General discussion Kevin77555 calling me a noob.

This topic contains 8 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  AnderZENZ 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #73996 Score: 0

    5 pts

    So today i was on the server minding my business at MrPvr99’s house when, MrPvr99 invited Kevin77555 to his house also, and kevin asked me how i discovered the glitch, from yesterday(The after update dupe glitch). the first time i answered him, i did not understand the question, the second time i answered him i told him it was on the forums and that i made a video, and he repeatedly kept telling me i am a noob and do not understand the question also that i cannot speak English, or read it… i said sorry i didnt understand so he kept saying repeatedly i was stupid then quit the game… this was quite hurtful, telling me i cannot speak my first language, this is not someone i would want to be playing with on the server :/

    MrPvr99/Mod67 will have screens posted in replys down below.

    #73997 Score: 0

    mod67 / MrPvr99

    Click to see more Pics it’s 3 pictures

    Clearly true

    #74000 Score: 0


    Well he is clearing offending him and I think he should be panished.

    #74003 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Isn’t swearing/disrespecting others allowed in MSG? If he was disrespecting you, you could easily solve it by a /ignore (name). I’m not 100% sure if it is allowed, but then again, it’s more likely your problem, and you can resolve it.

    #74005 Score: 0


    He wasn’t swearing in msg. Also yes swearing in msg is allowed.

    #74007 Score: 0


    he was offending a guy so he should be punished!

    #74017 Score: 0


    This is not his first time disrespecting. He also said that i’m a noob on Prison. I really think something should be done about him.

    #74022 Score: 0

    The word “noob” comes from the word “newbie,” which in turn comes from the word “new-boy.” It was used first by soldiers to label new privates, but is now mostly used by people in the internet to comment on a player’s inexperience on a certain concept(s). It is generally not viewed as an offensive word, but rather as an annoying one.

    It is the other words that Kevin said that are offensive. Whether he will be punished or not, that’s up to the moderators.

    #74041 Score: 0

    20 pts

    That mean GUY! He should be punished. He has disrespected me before too, but I didnt report it.

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