Kevin77555's Prison Mod App!


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications Kevin77555's Prison Mod App!

This topic contains 60 replies, has 30 voices, and was last updated by  FuriousKnight 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #74749 Score: 0


    Hey guys! I’m not sure if I wanted to make it right now or not because I wasn’t sure if it’s been long enough since I’ve decided to shape up on my attitude again! But anyway here I go!

    Ingame name used: Kevin77555

    Experience: Well I’ve played the Prison server on EC pretty much since it came out, maybe a couple weeks after. So I know all the commands a player can use, I know the rules, I’m very well known and liked by most of the players. (some not because I’ve killed them mercilessly xD) Also I’m very active on the forums I’m never on the computer without visiting the forums!

    How often I am online: I’m online just about every day from 2+ hours. When I’m not online it’s because I’m tired from work and am taking a nap or playing CoD.

    Why I would like to become a moderator of prison: My reasoning behind me wanting to become a moderator of prison is simple. I would like to help out with punishing the rule breakers. Simple as that. Sure enough I do it now already. With me having Xav over Skype I’m constantly sending him screenshots or reports of players (xraying, swearing, hacking of any sorts, etc.) Even ask him. 😉 However with me being active all the time on prison I think it would be quicker to take care of it myself? Yes I know “I wanna help out” is not a good reason but it’s part of my good reason. 😛 As I said above I’m liked/loved by most of the players who play prison! Sure I don’t have the cleanest record. But like last year I’ve worked on my behaviors and cleaned it up. The types of punishments I’ve had this year in Prison so far. (Warnings, Jailtime, Mute) I hope those don’t effect the votes too much. But as I said like last year I’ve worked on and improved my behaviors and now I’m a great player again! xD I enjoy helping out other players (the reason why I’m only rank A and have been playing it sooo long is because I help other players out in a way that all players can) Which is why people view me as so friendly, kind, caring, helpful! I often get people trying to give me money as kind of a thank you for all the help I’ve done. If my application gets denied then my behaviors will still be the same (in a great way) and I will continue to help out around the server in anyway I can. Such as taking screenshots and sending them to Xavier or Darknightz.

    Thanks for reading guys! Post your feedback below. Any negative or positive feedback is EXCELLENT because it all goes toward me improving as a player and as a person! Also if I think of any other reasons why I would like to become a moderator I’ll post them below in the comments so make sure you read all the comments! Also time will not be bad because I’m not quitting in a couple months I’ll be quitting when I graduate!

    ~Kevin77555 (Emerald Donor)

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  Kevin77555.
    #74755 Score: 0


    ===================MORE REASONS!!!========================

    Ugh edit button is already gone! D: Anyway another reason I’d like to become a moderator of Prison is because it seems like sometimes there isn’t moderators online at all! Sure I can still just take screens and send them to Xav but he isn’t online all the time either so it would be easier if I could just take care of the problems myself.


    #74757 Score: 0


    Vote Up!

    #74758 Score: 0


    ============ANOTHER ADD ON SORRY GUYS FOR THE SPAM!============

    Anyway I realized how truelly horrible my behavior has been getting this morning and I told myself that if it keeps up I’m going to force myself to quit because my past behaviors have done nothing but hurt people and hurt my friends. So before you say my behavior has been getting worse talk to me again today or try to make me mad today or in the future because it wont work I’ve put on an emotion block toward anger (it’s a mental thing I can do it’s kinda weird)


    #74762 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Vote middle.

    Attitude: I’ve seen Kevin sometimes throw tantrums, and I’ve seen him do bad things. As said in the post above, he has been trying hard to make his attitude change. The problem to me is that you’ve been using vulgar language, so if you can stop using that, it’ll be all good.

    Bragging?:Personally I don’t mind bragging but you see some bragging in the mod app, ,like “i’m well liked by all players”, or “i’m the best pvper ever”, if you could tone that a bit, that’d be great

    Join Date:You joined the server 1 1/2 years after it was released, and I’m pretty sure that you did not just using an alt because you only listed Kevin77555 as your only account.

    Forums Activity:Although you state you have it open, from what I see, you check the forums and reply to topics, etc. once every day. Although it isn’t required to be active on the forums to be mod, its still good that you are active in the forums.

    Why isn’t this a down vote?:I’ve seen him take warnings and such seriously in the last week. It seems that he’s starting to change, and that he could eradicate all these bad behaviors. So for now, vote middle.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  Rogue_Art.
    #74768 Score: 0


    Rogue_Art I’m talking about I joined the Prison part of the server shortly after it was released.

    #74769 Score: 0


    To be honest from my point of view Kevin really you are like a time bomb that would set off every now and then. I’ve based this from seeing you on survival and prison. On top of that you have an attention seeking attitude. You seem to back talk people including moderators. If you are working on this then I honestly don’t think your ready. I rather you have worked yourself to a stable point with your behaviour before you accept a moderator position.

    Has to be cool headed and doesn’t have any erratic behavior. Has to remain neutral towards aggression.

    This is something every moderator needs to have as a trait. In fact I dare say it, I would rather avoid you than talk to you since I don’t want to set you off due to your anger and cause unnecessary arguments on the server. In any case this would be detrimental to you as a mod because if people don’t like you/are trying to avoid you, then you can’t exactly help because they won’t want to ask you.

    Vote Down for now, improve first, don’t give up. You have a shot I would say.

    #74774 Score: 0


    dude On Each Ec server 90% There is always a Mod online maybe Vanished Etc But what i am talking about that There is always a Mod online
    my vote wont be now Becs i need to think

    #74781 Score: 0


    XxTtXxCZ7 you have to make a ban appeal. Go to forums and and click on the server you were banned on. Then click ban appeal then make one at the very bottom in the text box. Do not post on another persons appeal such as this one. Make your own.

    #74784 Score: 0


    Like MSN said you need to make a Ban appeal AND follow the template plz

    #74787 Score: 0


    okay i did ..p[lz go an talk tot me there tahnk u guyz for telling me that

    #74798 Score: 0


    Vote middle
    Friendly, helpful, but sometimes you can rage and sometimes be aggressive.
    And best pvper? Meh, guess who won 3 pvp events.

    Good luck!

    #74799 Score: 0


    ill just vote middle for now since….its just only one time i saw you in prison(maybe timezones.)

    #74824 Score: 0


    vote middle
    – not friendily unless yuh give him something or a reason to be friendly
    – history

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  HeroHex.
    #74838 Score: 0


    Try not to post off topic things on moderator applications such as trying to become unbanned. It can cause spam of the forum and also lower your chances of being unbanned. Thanks!

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