KiddieDiamond 's Moderator / Trial moderator Application.


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications KiddieDiamond 's Moderator / Trial moderator Application.

This topic contains 9 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Trollson 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #66906 Score: 0


    Hi forumusers/mods/owner/anyone else.
    I ‘m writing this post because of ‘the one and only thing’,moderator application. Whits this post i also want to ask you guys on the forum, what you would think about me being mod…

    here are my details (and some personal information, so you can contact me if you want):

    Name: Sander Vannieuwenhuyse
    Languages: Dutch, English, (a bit) French.
    Age: 12 YEARS(!, not months :p)
    Ingame name: KiddieDiamond
    Average hours online: 20-40 hours (in a week, depends on school and my mom :p)
    Experience with Prison/Jail: I had 2 shops, both 3th bioggest on the server i played on.
    Why i would want to be mod: Meet staff, help devellopmet of the server, make the community grow and check is everything goes right(sounds like a dumb reason, is’nt it?)
    Website: <link censored> (currently in devellopment.)

    Greetz from belgium,
    S. Vv.
    2.255.318.55.255.325 (personal drive number, nvm if u dont know what is is)

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  Trollson.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  Xavier3479.
    #66913 Score: 0



    Aside from all those personal information there (why…), it’s a certain Vote Down.
    Firstly, I’ve never seen you before on EC and you seem very immature
    Secondly, your reason is not well written.
    Thirdly, it’s a badly written application with a few English spelling errors.

    Lastly, you do not need to put so many private information. The mods will contact you from your account here on this website. Not on yours or your email.

    #66914 Score: 0


    o.O Vote down,

    1st, Only seen you once on the server (and then you were sending me nonsense on /msg)
    2nd, Like what @Zevguns said, There are some English spelling errors
    3rd, You gave away WAY To much personal Information, and like 3/4 of here people here don’t need your personal drive number (or even know what it is. so there was need to say that.
    4th, I have not seen you ever on the forums until now.
    5th, Your reason was really short and kinda confusing

    So what you do need to do is become more active on this server not on other ones, because if you want to become a moderator on this server you need to know it and make sure the people here know they can trust you and that they know that you can help them the right way. On the other hand In closing, Play here more, get to know everyone, be more active on the forums, and Help everyone that needs the help.
    Do that and maybe try again later but for now just wait, and play more!:D

    Good luck,

    #66916 Score: 0


    I’ve been active on anothe account a hile ago, but my avergae will be , as i said, 20-35 -40 hours, and ill delete those offensive things
    please note im dutch, and not english, so i’m trying hard to be correct.

    EDIT, ow cant edit the post, anyone has those permiss.?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  KiddieDiamond.
    #66923 Score: 0


    You Need To Have Perfect English To Be A Moderater.

    #66941 Score: 0


    Vote down!
    1. Advertised his mod app 2. Asked you the players to vote for him.
    Also I have only seen you on once and Im on every day like 8-10 hours a day.

    #66954 Score: 0


    Vote down.
    1. Not active.
    2. Never see you helping


    #66962 Score: 0

    3 pts

    I’m afraid I got to vote down too..
    You help, but not a lot, in the Prison server. Also, you need to know some basic infos: You asked in the chat, today, how much money we need to rankup.

    However, don’t desesperate 😉

    ~Dado Dadoodi {DD}

    #66970 Score: 0


    Vote down!
    Not a good mod app
    No Valid reasons
    Bad Grammar
    Childish behavior/Immature

    #67031 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Denied. Too much personal information given.

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

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