Kill Aura (Kit Pvp)


Home Forums Minigames Reports Kill Aura (Kit Pvp)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Cody 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #103720 Score: 0


    Your In-Game Name: (Cody)
    Who breaks the rule: (Creeper_lacaca)
    Date of offense: (18/4/2015)
    Reason of reporting: (He used kill aura and he managed to catch me with a pyro 2 kit while I was using a archer 3 kit and I was far from him as he was in the tower in the middle of nowhere.)
    Game/Server: (Kit Pvp)
    More Details about his/her offense: (Eventhougth I used my pyro 2 kit he managed to 3 hit kill me.)

    #103721 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Would you stop making reports without evidence? It’s really annoying..

    #103722 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Get proof and then report

    *You can screenshot (upload it to then put the link here)
    *You can record (upload it to youtube, i suggest you using bandicam for now)

    #103745 Score: 0


    @Cody please use a video to report a hacker for Kill Aura or any other hacks.

    @AnderZENZ just tell him what he needs to do 😉

    “Would you stop making reports without evidence?” I thought you were mad at him when I read it.

    #103804 Score: 0


    Is there some sory of website to get videos? It will be a lot easier

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