Kits from my earlier ideas


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This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  igra2002 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #68236 Score: 0


    I had an idea for the factions server. As RY4J gave the ideas for ranks i thought to give ideas for the kits that are going with the ranks. So i think that worrior should be the cheapest rank.It’s kit should be full leather armor with stone sword. Second should be the knight.He should have full iron armor and an iron sword.Next is the Spartan.He should have leather boots and a leather cap,iron chestplate and iron leggins.Also as a weapon he should have a stick with knockback enchantment and power 4.last is Thor. He should have God armor and a stick with power 7.
    Theese are my ideas for the rank kits.I hope you like them. 😀

    #68237 Score: 0


    maybe for it you can recommend the frequency like example (not nesscessary like this):
    warrior – once a week
    knight – $300
    spartan – $1000
    [again these are random numbers]

    #69811 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Most likely, we aren’t gonna add in some ingame rank up ranks.

    Most ranks are donor.

    #70158 Score: 0

    1 pt

    we have free kits already like iron kits so dont add that rank knight we also have a free kit daily wich is leather

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