L MoDs Buggy


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This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  BananaKing105 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #104091 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Okay the story starts when Roy, join The game / Prison today.
    So I came to /spawn and see if anyone was pvpin’ or whatever and I seen Roy, and someone else. Okay so Roy, backs up Becuase he don’t wanna die. And I can understand that. Okay the dude who was with Roy, ran back to C and left. So a min later Roy, comes up to me about one block out of blue Safe zone, And he was not able to move becuase I think of the spawn lag? I don’t know what’s the prob with the lag at spawn. But back to the topic! He was out and I was sitting there for about 20secs.. Like ” Umm? Roy? ” Then I just shot out a L MoD and in 3secs he went up in like 10 blocks in the air! And die. So I am like whoa O_o

    But the story comes to a end. About 10mins later i started to feel kind of bad for Roy, becuase He was laggy. So I was a nice guy and gave him his loot back and etc. But What i am really saying is that can someone fix the L MoD?

    #104092 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Um, blame the Reverse-Gravity machines that banana placed around spawn O.o

    #104101 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Nah, it’s not the L MoDs, its the pickpockets or a plugin reacting badly to them. See the thing is, they give you slowness, and according to Banana, with that slowness you can’t move unless you jump run, even though on several occasions, I could move normally, just slowly. I’m guessing that might have caused problems, and glitched me on the line or something, not sure, but when I glitched I was like hovering in the air and being teleported to myself, not the kind of can’t move thing.

    #104119 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Will fix asap, thanks for reporting


    blame the Reverse-Gravity machines that banana placed around spawn O.o

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