LakePeople- Assistant Voting
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This topic contains 26 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Pakisha99 12 years, 1 month ago.
All Residents who want to become assistant of Lake_People must apply here. Good Luck
Hi how can i apply?!
Why You Want To be assistant:
I Would Like To Apply To be A Lake_People Assistant
Why I want to be assistant: Mostly So I Can help The Town Grow, Distribute Rewards And Enforce The Rules
Experience: I Run 2 Of My Own Servers Both With Towny and also had a brief assistantcy in the town that was once Swaggville until it was hacked and i was blamed (Been Resolved)
Why You Want To be assistant: Well, i like being one of the main things! I am always good at jobs or things like that! If you give me something to do i will do it good! I am good, and people like me! I am good in mining! Well, being a assistant is great deal! And i really have a cool ides to improve our town! well, we can like make jobs or fun things to do! Let’s build a water slide! that is cool thing
so, if you have place, i will apply with a smile
Experience: well i played on many servers and i know how people act, i am nice and gentle and if someone needs something i will really give him that, if i have it!
and if i don’t need it, ofc! I am good as person and sometimes i go nuts when i’m happy… but trust me, i will be good assistant! i promise!
and i know how to craft many things so 😀
I will be happy to be assistant! Thanks!
Hmm two voters. i didnt expect this. might take a while for me to decide as f0g is a real-life friend and pakisha is a good player. Hmmmmm
also have to keep in mind pakisha you were given the tag for griefing
FOG annoys everyone. I don’t want him always to go into my house and annoy me :/
I will improve that town! But if i don’t become assistant, i will fight! And i will always be happy and i will always have my great ideas! Just one thing that annoys me. We need special town! We need something fun! Let’s build water park! or just one slide
My friend got that. Not me! I said trust me! I just take some melons
but still, i will be good! if i become assistant i will be good! I promise! give me just one chance ! I am not like everybody else! Trust me! Assistant is my great and biggest wish!
I will improve town! trust me! i will make it more special
I know, you will decide FOG because he is your friend in real life.. i get it
well, if u just knew me in real life.. :'(
But still, town will go down if FOG becomes one, but i will fight for town!
well, i think my wish is not true… it will not become reality.
Faggot won. Well he can enjoy now. but still he is littl’ fagg.
Faggot won. to bad that ur town will become abandoned soon.
Here’s my song! I wrote it!
Here comes the end!
Here comes the influence! The great town is gone!
The lake people now,
in the shadow of the jungle
wait’s for his end!
To become, abandoned dream!
IT’S GONE NOW! Nothing can save it!
There was a one player!
Player who could save them all!
But they, like the shame, trow him in the junk!
Now he is gone! He is happy alone! He will find his way! Again to be the man!
He is now sad! How Lake Town leaves! Forgot him in the past!
Now, lake people, is gone!
Waiting, for hope to come!
But lake town, is now, just abandoned dream!
hope u like it, it’s true.
That Doesnt Rhyme
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